Urgent! Why my builtin flash nt workin?

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Senior Member
Apr 24, 2005
My D300 builtin flash can not work! is it that jst press the flash release button, it pops out then can shoot flash ler? HELP! tks

For the D300, you have to manually deploy the built in flash.

It does not "auto pop-up"; even when the necessity calls for it in "A" or "P" mode.

as in i already manually pop the flash out ler... by pressin the button, but nth fires nor does it charge up to fire

Your flash may be in "commander mode".

i change frm 'C' to 'M' to 'S' still no diff

Can't think off-hand.

If a hard reset doesn't help, perhaps a call to NSC technical support would.

got it change;) -locked-

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