[Supersimon27] Still Singapore Land/City Scape

Some new photo I manage to capture during yesterday pentax outing

#97 -My 1st Pentax Outing 2015-

Pentax Outing MSB 2015 by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

#98 -A fishy perspective-

Fisheye MBS by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

#99 -Street of Shenton Way-

Shenton City Street by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

#100 -Arts-

Abstract Art by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr

#101 -Fullerton Interior-

One Fullerton fishy by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr​

#109 Awaiting - Somehow photography and fishing got something in common . We set up our stuff and wait for our result . Sometime we get it sometime we don't .

Awaiting by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr​

#112 - National Day Fantasy - (photoshopped)
So I miss out the Black knight performance totally . I didn't even have a chance to be around near the padang area to witness the national day .
However I doesn't want to miss out the fun. So I use my own imagination to create this photo just for fun. Before I got bomb by anyone, I got to admit this is a semi shopped Image , hence it's under my Fantasy Series .
The Merlion Sunrise was shot sometime 2013 but the plane photo was not taken by me. Special thanks to Boon Sing as i borrow his Black knight photos

National Day fantasy
by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr​

Glad to see you back with all your nice photos.

The master is back!

Swee lah, welcome back bro. Always making full use of your limited time to shoot! :thumbsup::thumbsup::

### Just to share a good news .
After been absent for photography contest for close to 2 years , I was quite surprise that 3 out of my 5 submitted work was shortlisted for Sony Colours of Singapore Contest final 22 voting
This wasn't a big scale contest . But having my photos to be shortlisted for final round of voting , I am still very happy about it . If you guys happen to pop by 313@somerset do go support support . Voter will have some door gift and lucky draw chances to win Sony voucher

Achievement 2015
by Simon Teo (supersimon27), on Flickr​

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