25 Year Old Beauty Seeks Rich Banker

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We live in a sad, realistic world. But I like the way the gentleman spoke out. Aces for him.

Last year (around this time of the year), my mum wanted to introduce me the daughter of an old neighbor. They have become very rich through her hardworking father, but her parents are very humble and we visit each other every CNY. However, this only daughter (and quite chio too) is cocky and has never even spoken to us or visit us at all these few years (When she was younger, she's quite ok, but still had the I-am-higher-than-you look). Coincidentally, she used to work in the bank (after she came back from Australia) which I worked (I was still an IT field engineer back then). Whenever I passed by her desk, I would smile at her, and well, I have never seen her smile back, sometimes a little wry smile which is weird.

At that moment I wonder: why is she not married yet? She has a good job, has an overseas degree and still hasn't lost her charms (I saw her once last year around Raffles Place) although she is two years older than me. So I told my mum that I have to reject her, because she is a person who lacks sincerity. Why only now? Why not 7 years ago when I obtained my basic degree? Is she really looking for a husband? I said: if she had been friendly to me in the past, I would really want to meet her. But now, nope, no thanks. :angry:

This is the problem with women nowadays.
They only look for the end-product and don't believe in working the hardship process together.

Painstakingly building up a PC from scratch using the best components.
She wants one that's ready made - of course, the greatest and the best !

God is fair, their beauty fades but ours grow with time. Add a few more years to her and she'll be the one harassing the men, doing all the smiling and initiating all the first moves due to her desperation.

You have integrity leejay.

We live in a sad, realistic world. But I like the way the gentleman spoke out. Aces for him.

Last year (around this time of the year), my mum wanted to introduce me the daughter of an old neighbor. They have become very rich through her hardworking father, but her parents are very humble and we visit each other every CNY. However, this only daughter (and quite chio too) is cocky and has never even spoken to us or visit us at all these few years (When she was younger, she's quite ok, but still had the I-am-higher-than-you look). Coincidentally, she used to work in the bank (after she came back from Australia) which I worked (I was still an IT field engineer back then). Whenever I passed by her desk, I would smile at her, and well, I have never seen her smile back, sometimes a little wry smile which is weird.

At that moment I wonder: why is she not married yet? She has a good job, has an overseas degree and still hasn't lost her charms (I saw her once last year around Raffles Place) although she is two years older than me. So I told my mum that I have to reject her, because she is a person who lacks sincerity. Why only now? Why not 7 years ago when I obtained my basic degree? Is she really looking for a husband? I said: if she had been friendly to me in the past, I would really want to meet her. But now, nope, no thanks. :angry:

:thumbsup: you got guts.

Marry a girl like her and the guy is sure to go poorer. Even if he makes half a million a year, during his retirement, he probably have about a a few thousand to live on (assuming she spends most of his money, divorce him when his money runs out and he has to pay alimony). A far cry from his million dollar lifestyle.

I go for a simple girl anytime. One who earns her keep, contribute to the growing fund pool of the household, and is able and willing to sacrifice to bring the both of us to greater heights.:)

We live in a sad, realistic world. But I like the way the gentleman spoke out. Aces for him.

Last year (around this time of the year), my mum wanted to introduce me the daughter of an old neighbor. They have become very rich through her hardworking father, but her parents are very humble and we visit each other every CNY. However, this only daughter (and quite chio too) is cocky and has never even spoken to us or visit us at all these few years (When she was younger, she's quite ok, but still had the I-am-higher-than-you look). Coincidentally, she used to work in the bank (after she came back from Australia) which I worked (I was still an IT field engineer back then). Whenever I passed by her desk, I would smile at her, and well, I have never seen her smile back, sometimes a little wry smile which is weird.

At that moment I wonder: why is she not married yet? She has a good job, has an overseas degree and still hasn't lost her charms (I saw her once last year around Raffles Place) although she is two years older than me. So I told my mum that I have to reject her, because she is a person who lacks sincerity. Why only now? Why not 7 years ago when I obtained my basic degree? Is she really looking for a husband? I said: if she had been friendly to me in the past, I would really want to meet her. But now, nope, no thanks. :angry:

Maybe she does not like your type............maybe she likes her own kind.......:bsmilie:

This is why I only date women who treat me to dinner.
btw my number is 9xxx xxxx for those who want to treat me, I'm open to invitations.

I go for a simple girl anytime. One who earns her keep, contribute to the growing fund pool of the household, and is able and willing to sacrifice to bring the both of us to greater heights.:)

Where got an angel like that in this day and age?

There may be a few wild women with such simple outlook deep in the rain forest in Borneo. When you go and catch, make sure youn don't catch a female orang utan. :)

This is the problem with women nowadays.
They only look for the end-product and don't believe in working the hardship process together.

:thumbsd:sexist? that being said, its a fact of life now...face it..furthermore, many of us also only look for the end product.:think:

Marriage these days comes with Terms and Conditions.

Machiam signing handphone contracts.
Breach that contract, you pay fines.

:p :lovegrin: :p

I think we shouldn't be too harsh on the girl.

A camel always wants to be riden by a rich Afghan.

And a rich Afghan always want to be on the hump of a great camel.

Enough said. :)

how about:

A camel always wants to be riden by a rich Afghan.

And a rich Afghan always want to be on the hump of a great camel.

What's with this recent obsession with camels on CS? FYI
lol cos recently horses can't race... so camels replacing them.... :)

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