New Member
Classifieds Type: WTSell
Equipment Type: Mirrorless
Brand: Panasonic
Short Description: Lumix GX9 (with kit lens 12-32mm)
Price (S$): 400
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
Also want to sell lens
Panasonic Leica 12 – 60mm F2.8 – F4 (with box) - $800
Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 25mm f/1.8 (with box) - $150
Name: Esther
Phone Number:
Equipment Type: Mirrorless
Brand: Panasonic
Short Description: Lumix GX9 (with kit lens 12-32mm)
Price (S$): 400
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
Also want to sell lens
Panasonic Leica 12 – 60mm F2.8 – F4 (with box) - $800
Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 25mm f/1.8 (with box) - $150
Name: Esther
Phone Number: