WTS: DSLR - Olympus E1 with Battery Grip, Lens and Flash

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Senior Member
May 7, 2006
Advertisement Category: Want To Sell (WTS)

Equipment Type: DSLR
Equipment Brand: Olympus
Equipment Model: E1 with Battery Grip, Lens and Flash
Price (S$): See inside
dear all, I'm putting this item on consignment with P&G Photographic centre, do drop by there to have a look if the item interest you.

Olympus E1 with 14-54mm f2.8-3.5
Olympus Battery Grip HLD - 2
Olympus FL50 Flash

Website: www.pgcameras.com

address: No. 1, Coleman Street, #B1-04, The Adelphi, Singapore 179803

You can take a Train to City Hall and have a 5 mintues walk to Adelphi Mall.

Real Name: Chuan
Contact Number: 96160685

Condition of Item (as per guidelines): 9
Warranty Status: Nil

Olympus E1 with 14-54mm f2.8-3.5 {{{ Sold }}}

Olympus Battery Grip HLD - 2

Olympus FL50 Flash

Website: www.pgcameras.com

address: No. 1, Coleman Street, #B1-04, The Adelphi, Singapore 179803

You can take a Train to City Hall and have a 5 mintues walk to Adelphi Mall.
friendly and helpful and really know his stuff..... base on my experiences...

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