1. Sharpness +7
2. Saturation 4
3. Contrast 4
4. Color tone 4
Extreme makeover :bsmilie:
Does that means you do NOT post-process the images on your computer? Do you send for prints?
Standard color scheme, sharpness +3, saturation 0, contrast -4, tone 0. I have different settings for portraits, but don't remember them now 'cos the camera is not with me.
Honestly, I shoot RAW 99% of the time.
Contrast -4???? Hmmm..that sounds very very unusual.
Actually, I have been wanting to ask this question - If I set the Picture style to, say Sharpness +3, contrast and colour to +2 and if I shoot them in Jpeg and RAW, would the RAW format also be saved as Sharpness +3, contrast and colour to +2 or to Neutral?
The RAW file will "remember" the style you shot with, but you still have the flexibility to change the style to another using DPP. Unlike JPEG, RAW does not permanently lock you into only that style.Actually, I have been wanting to ask this question - If I set the Picture style to, say Sharpness +3, contrast and colour to +2 and if I shoot them in Jpeg and RAW, would the RAW format also be saved as Sharpness +3, contrast and colour to +2 or to Neutral?