Which 70-200 to choose?

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New Member
Jul 6, 2006
Wee. After CNY angpao collection, I'm gonna get my new toy. Recently I got a E-quote from ms colour on two lens. Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM at $1068, and Sigma APO 70-200mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro HSM at $1475 and I am deciding between these two great lens.

I have seen great reviews for the canon lens, and as for sigma couldn't source for it. It will be nice to have an opening of f2.8, but I have doubts with non-orginal canon lens. Could people out there advise on which to choose and why?

Haiz, the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM is way off my budget for now.. hehhee

For performance, get the Sigma.. F2.8 and macro is definitely useful, plus stopped down to f4 it would definitely be sharper.

For resale value, get the canon. Resale value of both lens are quite similar despite diff in new prices.

Currently using the 70-200 F4L, 70-200 F2.8L and nikon 80-200, sigma 70-200.. :)

I have told my story many times. Bought 2 Sigma lenses for my EOS in 1993/4. Both cannot be used with newer EOSs. Both cannot be rechipped as they are superseded models.

One I bought for $300 now just sold for $50. If I bought a similar Canon, I would have spent 400 and sell it now for 250.

Who can guarantee that the lens you buy today will work with an EOS camrea introduced in 2012? Who can guarantee that Sigma can rechip the lenses?

No way I will spend 1,400 on a Sigma lens for EF mount.

I have told my story many times. Bought 2 Sigma lenses for my EOS in 1993/4. Both cannot be used with newer EOSs. Both cannot be rechipped as they are superseded models.

One I bought for $300 now just sold for $50. If I bought a similar Canon, I would have spent 400 and sell it now for 250.

Who can guarantee that the lens you buy today will work with an EOS camrea introduced in 2012? Who can guarantee that Sigma can rechip the lenses?

No way I will spend 1,400 on a Sigma lens for EF mount.
iirc, the newer sigma lens can be rechipped, but troublesome to send them in.

I agree with Russ.

Another potential issue is focus accuracy.

I tend to stay away from 3rd party lenses. But that's just me.

And of course, the fact that Sigma's QC is quite bad.

Remember that Sigma, and all other 3rd party manufacturers reverse engineer their lenses. That means they buy Canon lenses, take them apart, and figure out how the lenses and bodies talk to each other, then go about making their own variants. If Canon comes out with something new, Sigma cannot guarantee they will be able to update their tech unless they get their hands on it first.

Try your luck in the B&S section for a 70-200 f/2.8L (non-IS of course).

With some luck, you can find one in great condition for $1400 or less.

In my opinion, it would be better to stick to f4L. This is because say when you buy the sigma lens, and if u have back/front focusing issues. The 2 parties (canon, sigma) will like to push the blame to each other for this problem. And also usually you have to stop down to f4 to get sharper pictures. So it makes more sense to get the f4L. The f4L is sharp wide open from my previous experience. Also the f4L is much light in weight.

The 70-200 f4L is definitely one L lens that U must get. It's lightweight, fast and produces great images. I still remember I was so impressed with the first pics I took with this lens.

Forget the 2.8. You dont really need it. The f4's relatively light weight will ensure that it becomes your constant companion. :)

And btw, I have nothing against Sigma lenses... I own a few myself like the 10-20mm, 150mm and 50-500mm. These are great lenses too!

canon 70-200mm would be a better choice other than f4 compared to f2.8.. better performance since it is a canon L lens..

The 70-200 f4L is definitely one L lens that U must get. It's lightweight, fast and produces great images. I still remember I was so impressed with the first pics I took with this lens.

Forget the 2.8. You dont really need it. The f4's relatively light weight will ensure that it becomes your constant companion. :)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I have told my story many times. Bought 2 Sigma lenses for my EOS in 1993/4. Both cannot be used with newer EOSs. Both cannot be rechipped as they are superseded models.

One I bought for $300 now just sold for $50. If I bought a similar Canon, I would have spent 400 and sell it now for 250.

Who can guarantee that the lens you buy today will work with an EOS camrea introduced in 2012? Who can guarantee that Sigma can rechip the lenses?

No way I will spend 1,400 on a Sigma lens for EF mount.
As for your story, what I can say is, "Last time, the police man also wore shorts".

You should be buying camera lenses for the fact that you need to use them. If you need to use F2.8 lenses, what ever money you spend is worth it.

Think about if you only had $300 to buy a lens, and if you had to save up another 2 months to buy the $400 lens. You'd be wasting 2 months not being able to capture the images.

Personally speaking, the F4L very often just 1 stop below the hand holdable speed for me in shade + dark conditions. That 1 stop is VERY useful since I do shoot quite a bit indoors. I'd rather have the 2.8 indoors for its benefits.

If I were to shoot mostly outdoors, I'd stick with a F4L. It's weight is just wonderful. So wonderful.

I'd take a F4L IS if it's within range, but given the two choices, I'd take the F2.8 simply because I'll need the 2.8.

time n budget plays a part in buying lens.. if u need time to save up , just save up.. no point compromising yr lens.. u can always keep shooting after u purchased yr lens..

Thanks for all your valued advise. I will stick to original canon lens for it quality. Almost swayed to the cheaper deal, but sure thing, its canon that one can really trust. Thanks to all

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