where to take plane landing in singapore?

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New Member
anyone know which place can I take photography for plane landing/take-off?

is this allowed in changi airport?

if it is so, which is the best place?


changi coast road the only place where you can take planes taking and landing on the runway.. go to streetdirectory to see where is it located..

low flying aircraft will be changi beach or the saf golf course somewhere near changi coast road

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It is the northeast monsoon season and as such the current active runway in use at Changi Airport for arrival and departure aircraft are runway 02L/02C, the optimal spotting location during this time of the year will be at Changi Business Park (CBP) as indicated below.





Best to avoid the emergency entrances and exits along the perimeter fence (Changi Coast Road, Tanah Merah Besar Road etc. etc.) as under the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act (Chapter 256) the airport is gazetted a protected area, photography of any form around the perimeter fence will get you scrutinies by the airport and local police pretty quickly and your memory card confiscated if not given a strict warning at the very least.

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Thanks for posting the google earth map. Which focal length will we need to capture the aircraft?
Doesn't have to be big mama lens as the aircraft will be pretty close when it make its final approach into RWY 02L. Depending on the location, the type of aircraft and with focal length based on a APS-C cropped sensor (x1.6 multiplier), ~100mm will pretty much suffice along Changi South Avenue 3 and ~50mm (or a WA/UWA lens for belly shots) at the canal along Changi South Street 1.

You'll need at least a 250mm, or 400mm to fill the frame, if you wish to capture RWY 02L touchdown shots though. ;)

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wow... a big thanks to all... especially the google maps....

then armed with the iPhone app "Plane Sighting", you can enter the registration number of the plane and get the its details. haven't try it though...

ooppssss... installed the app and i think you can only search for planes registered with the FAA in the US.

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