what lens shld i buy ? Novice here only

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New Member
Apr 10, 2007
Hi Canon experts

I m NOT into photograhy, but i know that bringing a good DSLR for pleasure / overseas family "point and click" is reliable for me. And i bought a 30d recently and going end April to Cambodia for some buildings shoots eg Angkor Wat , etc

I would like u guys to tell me in layman terms what i shld buy for lens. I want to buy a wide angle and a zoom lens (or u called it telephoto lens ???). Budget not an issue since i made some $ from stocks :)

To make easier for u guys to assist me, i shall assume original canon lens products for discussion. Note that the lens u discuss , pls ensure it works for 30d. Note that i m not a expert nor photograhpy is a hobby 2 me. I just want to capture good details, like simple point and click.

Wide angle questions :
1) how many types of wide-angles lens are available ?
2) how wide eg in Maths angle degree wideness as in Maths so i can understand better, rather than all those technical terms use eg fxxx numbering which i don't understand ? Eg if wide angle can capture a 180 degree, i knew this lens can capture at least a very wide angle as it is a semi circle.
3) estimated costs of different wide angle lens discussed ?

Zoom lens
1) how many types of zoom lens are available ?
2) can u tell me in km / meters distance on how far object i can captured ?
3) estimated costs of different zoom lens discussed ?

1) Is there a hybraid of wide angle + zoom lens built in together ?

Hope newbie here do not irritate u guys with simple questions like lens ....but if u ask me about making $ in stocks (no speculation pls), i m expert at that :).

Thks for the url. At least i know how wide and how far it goes ...so is this the current technology in canon right now ?

15mm - best wide angle ?
1200mm - best tele-zoom ?

What is the price like for 15mm for wide angle ?
What is the price like for 1200mm telezoom ?

get 10-22 fore really wide shots, good for landscap photos in your travel.
Then get the 24-105 IS, it serves as a general purpose lens, for portraits & others, it gives you a rather long end at 105mm.

I doubt you will want to get a 70-200, i have this range but don't bring it along for travel. Unless you really want to take candid shots of people from far then this will come in handy.

I will say 10-22 & 24-105 will be good.
If you want to go for just 1 lens it will be 17-55 IS. But it is not that wide to cover landscap

Can u explain what is 1.6 crop body ?

is efs 10-22 better than the 15mm wide angle based on the url given ?

E.G. of crop factor (got this from another forum)

The rectangles are what the CMOS captures on the cam you use.

RED Colour is what a Full Frame captures
BLUE Colour is for 1.6 crop factor.

You view becomes 1.6 is because, from the image illustration it looks like the BLUE rectangle is zoomed in on the image.


hope this helps :p

Since budget not an issue, I suggest: -

1) Buy the EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens, mount it on your 30D;

2) Buy a 400D;

3) Buy the EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens, mount it on your 400D.

4) Sling 400D around your neck; and

5) Sling 30D on your shoulder.

Shooting wide, bring 400D up to your eye and fire away.

Anything else, drop the 400D, swing the 30D up to your eye and fire away.

Since budget not an issue, I suggest: -

1) Buy the EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens, mount it on your 30D;

2) Buy a 400D;

3) Buy the EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens, mount it on your 400D.

4) Sling 400D around your neck; and

5) Sling 30D on vour shoulder.

Shooting wide, bring 400D up to your eye and fire away.

Anything else, drop the 400D and swing the 30D up to your eye and fire away.

:thumbsup: :lovegrin: u should upgrade to 5D(FF) since $$ not issue hehe got wider angle of view

already bought a 30d ..and will stick with it.

I will note the lens recommended and buy what is necessary ...

Question : is 24-105F4 L compatible with 30d ?

EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM lens - market price ?
EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens - market price ?

Thks for the url. At least i know how wide and how far it goes ...so is this the current technology in canon right now ?

15mm - best wide angle ?
1200mm - best tele-zoom ?

What is the price like for 15mm for wide angle ?
What is the price like for 1200mm telezoom ?

The Canon 1200mm lens is not something anyone will just buy.:bigeyes: Firstly it is almost as big as a bazooka, weighs like a bazooka, and will cost you a 3rm HDB flat.

Actually there is no such thing as the best focal lengths (or zoom length). It depends on the angle of view you want everytime you want to shoot a photo. And you'll have to decide what focal length best give you that view you are looking for. Of course there will be a range of focal length you'll use most often, and it'll be different for everybody.

If you don't want the hassle of changing lens when you are touring, I would suggest that you get the EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS. At 17mm, it'll be wide enough for most landscape shoot and at 55mm, it'll be just nice for a half body portrait shot. You may find the 24-105 f/4L IS not wide enough, unless you pair it EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5.

As for telephoto zoom, if you don't mind the weight, the best would be the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS. A lighter alternative would be EF 70-200mm f/4L IS.

10-22 and 24-105L is good combo for travelling if you are looking for wide and zoom... I'm currently using this and I'm happy with it....

24-105 l usm is is u first choose... IS very useful when u at low light condition...
F4 good enough for street shoot..:thumbsup:

As for telephoto zoom, if you don't mind the weight, the best would be the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS. A lighter alternative would be EF 70-200mm f/4L IS.

what r the differences between "telephoto zoom" and "zoom" only ?

y is there a difference in price between f/2.8L and f/4L ? The smaller number the better ? and can zoom further ?

Got another question :

EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM
EF 70-200mm f/4L USM

what is IS for - Low light condition shooting ? Under what circumstances will pple take pict on low light ? I thought we usually use flash for low light to brighten subject ?

4L means what ?

what r the differences between "telephoto zoom" and "zoom" only ?

Telephoto generally refers to a focal length 85mm and longer.

Zoom is a term to describe a lens that can change in focal length. Any lens that can be adjusted to more than one focal length is considered a zoom lens. Any lens that has most of its zoom range in the telephoto region, it's generally described as a telephoto zoom (ie 70-200, 70-300, 100-400)

what r the differences between "telephoto zoom" and "zoom" only ?

y is there a difference in price between f/2.8L and f/4L ? The smaller number the better ? and can zoom further ?

Telephoto is as what Calebk had mentioned. Most people would associate focal length of 50mm as normal, and anything less than 50mm would be wide angle, while those more than 50mm would be telephoto. Zoom simply refer to a lens ability to change focal length, eg. 24-105mm. Sometimes you'll hear people saying things like 10X zoom. It simply means that the longest focal length is 10 times longer than the widest focal length, eg. 35-350mm. A lens that is unable to zoom is known as a prime lens, eg. 50mm f/1.4

f/2.8 and f/4 refers to the biggest aperture of the lens. It means the aperture(or diameter) is equal to focal length / 2.8 or 4. An f/2.8 lens having a bigger diameter than a f/4 lens, means it is bigger and able to let in more light, thus will be able to shorten the exposure time for the same correct exposure. A bigger aperture lens not only will be bigger than a smaller aperture lens, it will contain more glass elements, and the manufacturer will tend to put in better quality glass. Thus for the same focal length, a f/2.8 will costs more than f/4.

Some lenses will have variable aperture, like the EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5. It means at 10mm, the biggest aperture is f/3.5 and at 22mm the biggest aperture is f/4.5.

Got another question :

EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM
EF 70-200mm f/4L USM

what is IS for - Low light condition shooting ? Under what circumstances will pple take pict on low light ? I thought we usually use flash for low light to brighten subject ?

4L means what ?

IS = Image Stabilisation

IS is a form of mechanical stabilisation used by Canon for some of their lenses to compensate for handshaking at slower shutter speed, to help prevent blur image.

Looking at this lens: EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM

EF refers to the type of mount. In your case, your 30D can accept EF mount and EF-S mount.

70-200mm refers to the focal length range

f/4 refers to the biggest aperture

L is a term used by Canon for their "Luxury" or professional series lenses.

IS refers to Image Stabilisation

USM refers to Ultrasonic Motor. It is a motor used by Canon for fast and silent focusing on the lenses.

Hope it helps.

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