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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2007
Hello all. First time posting a picture here. A newbie here. Kindly advice and comment please. :)


Camera: Olympus E-500 with 14-45mm lens (kit lens)

Looks ok, but subject is dead centered... so kinda boring composition wise.

You may want to try adding something to the BG instead of boring white, cream, etc... arrange them...

too many flaws, how do i start ...

1. very undeliberate arrangements of the strawberries. arrange the strawberries in a more pleasing manner, or choose another angle that reveals what you saw - which I presume was something pleasing to your eye, or was it? Are you doing strawberries because you saw others doing strawberries? What did you see that you were trying to capture on a photograph. You must learn to see with your eyes before you try to photograph it.

2. I feel like I am seeing a partial picture. part of the square(?) bowl(?) of the strawberries cut off, and the foreground blur, and so I do not really know what am I seeing. One partly focused strawberry on a mountain of confusion dont make a picture.

3. what are those distracting greyish white lines in the background? What have they got to do with blurry strawberries?

If I am to give marks out of 10, i give this picture -100.

Thanks for the comments.

I wanted to focus on just a single strawberry. So I put a strawberry on top of the others. I also blured the foreground. And the bowl wasn't meant to be there. This is the orginal picture.



perhaps you might wanna read more about how dSLR functions instead of photoshop.

Read up on compositions, lines, shapes, colors etc. Also get to know ur camera on how to achieve blur without using photoshop. Focusing on the latter wont produce good photos, just graphics to please visual for slight moments. Good compostions draws the eyes, attention, and emotions.

bro one of the tips and trick i found out for food photography is make your shots as bright as possible, while not overexposing and losing details. bright food always looks nice!

Keep shooting. ;)

Ok. Thanks everyone for the comments and advice. Maybe it is time I go for a photography lesson and learn more. :D

haha..well i guess everyone has said everything alreadi.
so juz to offer suggestion. that u might want to consider reading up alot more, and see wat type of photography interests u and also u can post up ur pics on like the newbie section or sth, and see wat others have to say, instead of waiting each week to post here.

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