Photo from Sigma 20mm f1.8


Senior Member
May 7, 2006
All shot at ISO100 at f1.8. handheld with shutter speed of between 1/20s to 1/60s Taken at MacRitchie Reservoir Park






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Nice images, look sharp to me at f1.8 !

Yeah cichlid,

It looks sharp at f1.8 to me too... unless you look at 100 percent.. still can do a decent print at 12" x 8"

I saw this lens a couple of months back at Song Bros at SLS. They quoted $618 with GST i think....

Thanks , these are very inspiration shots
Was asking around but nobody seems to have the lens
Where did you get yours ?
( I am staying away from Song brothers )

Hi Lightrules,

I got the lens from camera workshop... I think they still have a few copy... but test a few before committed to buying...

wah!! it lens is look like very sharp and clear. without any CA. color is nice also.

Thanks Rain 5533,

now this lens seem to struck on my EOS 30D all the way... will be one of my favorite lens... although the focusing motor is rather noisy

It's a lens I love too :) if i can only bring a prime for wedding/events, this would be the lens I use (on my 1.6x crop body).

You have an eye for detail... very nice.

those are nice pics you have got there...
love the bokeh this lens produces manz...:thumbsup:

Thanks blurboiboi,

I really do research for the past few months before getting this wonderful lens... So far so good on my 1.6 crop sensor...

It's a lens I love too :) if i can only bring a prime for wedding/events, this would be the lens I use (on my 1.6x crop body).

I will definitely use this lens for event and wedding... but just a bit worry that the focusing not as fast as the USM... somewhat the same as the Canon Kit lens... for landscape and general photography is still good...

I will definitely use this lens for event and wedding... but just a bit worry that the focusing not as fast as the USM... somewhat the same as the Canon Kit lens... for landscape and general photography is still good...

err, u got typo error on your previous posts...20mm not 30mm...U are secretly thinking of the 30mm f1.4 right :bsmilie: