Looking for Videography Service Company to join our Business Networking Group


Aug 18, 2004
Chai Chee
My name is Ping, and I am the host and part of a business networking group. I am looking for videography service company to consider being part of our event collaboration business group where we already have event planner, photographer, florist, yacht charter within the group. This will allow the team to provide a more comprehensive package and service to potential clients. My contact is 88400036.
Date: 05 Dec 2024
Venue: Singapore Swimming Club
Time: 8am to 10am
Fee: S$60
Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/business-networking-bni-crescendo-tickets-938496156267?aff=oddtdtcreator

Hey Ping, this sounds like an awesome event! If you're looking for a videographer to join your group, I'd suggest finding someone with experience in event shoots who can offer a full package—maybe someone who’s good at capturing both highlights and behind-the-scenes moments. I’ve worked with a couple of local videographers before, and it really helps when they’re flexible with their editing style to match the vibe of the event.