iPhoneography by Jaspas D


New Member
Aug 5, 2011
East Coast
I've been into photography for 7 years or so, however my formal training only came about 3 years ago. The thing about photography is that, it begins extremely easy with a shallow learning curve and grows more and more difficult very rapidly. The more you learn, the harder it becomes. As such, photographers like me need to find a way to re-experience that innocent naive enjoyment of photography all over again.

I chose the iPhone. To me the iPhone and iPhoneography represent a game and artform that you can play anytime regardless of the day and time, all that you need is a willingness to whip out your phone and have at least 1% of battery life left.

Of course, like any other game, there are rules to this art and game. I've written them below and you're welcome to make a thread based on these rules. Remember, ultimately it's about the process of having fun and taking beautiful photography, so if you need to break out a crazy 2K light to get the right look, just do it. Don't worry about these rules too much.

Rules of the game:
All photos here are taken on the iPhone.
Natural lighting is favoured but sometimes other iPhones will be used as a source of artificial light.
Photos are edited on phone through various apps.
Setting a theme for the set of photos taken helps make the experience far more gratifying.


Entry 1: Semakau Island
All photos shot on Semakau island in April 2012




Apps used: 645 Pro, Luminance, Impression

Tell me what you guys think of my work :)

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