I'm sorry singapore! It's all my fault!!!

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But seriously, I've gotta thank synapse thoroughly for doing his *PRRRRAAAAAKKKK* just in time for us to concede to a single goal to the Vietnamese.

Cos I'm going to Vietnam this week. :bsmilie: Now I can take a breather~ ;p

Ok ok. Next time I go support the national team, I will bring two bottles of prune juice and a rubber stopper plug, and use them as is appropriate for the situation. May be a challenge explaining it to gate security, though. :bsmilie:

Seriously lah, S'pore don't deserve to go through to finals. It should've been a done deal last week in Vietnam. Vietnam coach already say we only know how to play long ball, so therefore he must have already had a plan to deal with that. And what did S'pore do? Play long ball! Vietnam play to feet, attack and defend in numbers. S'pore mostly just stand around. (And yesterday TNP report as if Vietnam cannot play football like that. Overconfident, liao).

If want to play long ball, we must have a natural finisher, an opportunist who can turn half-chances into goals. But we not have that standard yet lah. Nothing surprising lah, the result.

Agree - perhaps the Lions have been watching too many England games - no creativity (pre Fabregas days).

thanks... i was cheering for vietnam all the way wooot wooot ;)

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