Guidelines for Buy & Sell threads/posts (Updated - 2015)

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Staff member
Updated and reviewed guidelines for Buy & Sell in ClubSNAP

Scope of Buy & Sell:
  • Buyer and Seller are private persons (no commercial sellers / buyers, no companies)
  • Photography related items (own equipment), no services

The Buy & Sell sections are primarily for Personal Sales. Commercial Sellers will need to purchase a subscription package that will allow them to advertise their goods/services in the Mass Order / Mass Sales section which is specifically catered for Commercial Sales. Please contact us for more information on the subscription packages available.

Definition of Commercial vs Personal Sellers:
Personal sellers:Members who are offering goods or services to other members. Typically, personal sellers will only have one or at most two of the same items to sell, and those goods have been opened and used.
Commercial sellers: Members who have been identified as regular/frequent sellers and/or selling in larger quantities, and may have registered businesses with long-term commitment in the goods/services that they offer.
Sellers may have a retail front or registered place of business, and items sold are new and unopened.

While the forum does not impose any geographical limitations, most users prefer to deal face to face and in Singapore.

Applicable regulations and laws:
All postings to the forum are subject to the ClubSNAP Terms of Service (which you agreed to adhere upon subscribing). Postings that do not conform to these rules will be deleted. Infractions will be given considering the circumstances.
The forum is run within the framework of Singapore Law. In case of questions arising from the usage of the forum, especially the section of Buy & Sell, please seek professional advice from a lawyer. Opinions of other members are just opinions and shall not be taken as legal advice.

Please read up also about the most commonly discussed laws in the context of Buy & Sell:
Ministry of Trade and Industry: Amendments to Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act ('Lemon Law')
Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE): CPFTA & Lemon Law
Personal Data Protection Commission: Personal Data Protection Act

Topics below
Definition of Photography related items
Posting of items
Describing your item
Tips for Buyers / Tips for Sellers
Transaction done, Disputes

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Definition of Photography-related items

Photography-related items are those items that are primarily designed to be used in the course of creating images (whether digital or film), thus, by using the above definition the following items will qualify as photography-related:
  • Film/Digital Cameras (SLRs, Point & Shoots, Digicams, Video Cameras)
  • Flashes
  • Studio paraphernalia
  • Tripods, tripod heads, ballheads
  • Camera Lenses
  • Lens attachments and filters
  • Films
  • Camera bags
  • Batteries and battery chargers
  • Memory cards (CF, SD etc) and Card Readers
  • Photo Printers (note word Photo)
  • Digitizing tablets
  • Scanners (slide/film and specialized flatbeds)
  • Darkroom equipment
The list is not exhaustive and will be updated when required.

Equipment that is not designed primarily for taking pictures is not allowed. Examples are: handphones, computer and laptops (and components thereof), monitors, storage products (HDD, NAS, CD/DVD/BD) etc.

In addition, equipment renting and other services are not to be posted into Buy & Sell. There is a dedicated section for any form of photographic and commercial services.

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Posting of items
The forum offers a template for posting of items. This helps to guide through the required details. Fill in all required information, the template of the forum software will do the formatting.

Technical Remarks
Please only use the forum template when posting items. That means: use your browser.
Do not use the ClubSNAP app for mobile phone / tablets.

General rules for all postings:
1. Post into the correct section of Buy & Sell.
Use the specific sections for brands like Canon, Nikon etc. Where an item can belong to more than one equipment class (e.g. Olympus and M43) chose one of them, only. Third party products specifically for a certain brand (e.g. Tamron lenses with Canon mount) can be posted into the respective brand's section.
2. Only one post per item. Do not cross-post your item into more than one section.
3. Maximum of 5 (five) pictures per posting.
4. "Bumping up" of threads only once within 24h.
5. Reposting of items shall only be done after three days. (E.g: If you posted on Monday, Thursday is the next possible day to post it again.)
6. Chose how you want to be contacted. If you don't like to post your contact number, let members contact you via PM. Do take note of the limited space in your inbox in the forum.
7. All postings are write-protected and cannot be edited you. If you need to make corrections or amendments, use the Reply function and post into your own thread.
8. All postings will remain 'as-is'; postings will not be deleted after the transaction is finished or in case you decide to leave the forum.

If your posting does not appear, please:
  • Check for any error message that appeared.
  • Do not post again, immediately.
  • Go to the list of threads and reload the website (Shift + Reload)
  • Check the amount of images / attachments (see #3 above).

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General rule: the weakest rating of a component or function defines the overall rating.

Describing your item

Condition: New

Description: Never used. Original packing with markers / labels / seals still intact.

Condition: Mint

Description: Like new. Unpacked but not used since it left the shop. No signs of use.

Condition: 10
Description: Very carefully used. Only very light user marks. Without close inspection, item would pass for mint.

Condition: 9
Description: A few light user marks. Used very little and carefully. May show some very mild wear, such as rub marks by lug straps, or bright marks on metal base plate.

Condition: 8
Description: Light to moderate user marks. Typical amateur use. May have some very slight brassing, or light scratches in metal. Obviously well-maintained and cared for.

Condition: 7
Description: Well used but not abused. May have minor dings or scratches. May have obvious brassing and scratches in common wear areas.

Condition: 6
Description: Very well used. May have moderate dings / scratches. Looks like it may have traveled half the region and could tell a story or two. Dented, scratched, brassed. yet refuses to stop operating.

Condition: 5
Description: Very heavy use. May have heavy dings / scratches. Looks like it may have traveled the globe with it and could write a book or two. Heavily dented, heavily scratched, heavily brassed. Yet simply refuses to stop operating, and you've got no idea why.

Condition: 4 to 3
Description: Very poor condition. Suitable for re-build or spares. Non-functional.

Condition: 2-1
Description: Very bad condition. For very extensive re-build or spares. Non-functional.

Please note that condition ratings are very subjective and no two people will totally agree on the condition rating of a used piece of equipment. However, please use the guidelines above to best describe what you think your equipment condition is.

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Tips for Buyers / Tips for Sellers

Stay polite and civil. If at one point any party feels uncomfortable to continue - just state it politely and leave.

For Buyers:
  • Define your budget. Stay within your budget. If you can't afford now it's best to wait a bit and save. All prices will come down, sooner or later.
  • Read up about the specifications of the item (features, functions, accessories, compatibility with your existing equipment).
  • Read up about common problems with the item you intend to buy. Use Google (search word '[item] problems' helps), read up in CS or other forums. Ask people who own the item.
  • Read up how to test the item to verify its functionality. If unsure, ask a friend who is more familiar to accompany you.
  • Compare the offered prices with the current street prices in Singapore. Do take note of 'local prices' versus 'grey market prices'.
  • Read up about the manufacturer's terms for warranty coverage and warranty transfer from the seller to you.
  • Agree on a reasonable location and time for both parties. Usually it will be the seller's places or nearby. Daylight is better for checking than torch light.
  • Caveat Emptor - Let the Buyer Beware. It is your responsibility to check the item thoroughly and verify it is exactly as described.
  • No last minute discount requests. Respect that items have their value and price.

For Sellers:
  • Test the item thoroughly before posting it. Make sure it functions properly according specifications.
  • Be honest with describing your item. Nobody likes to waste time for things that are below expectations. Word does go around.
  • State clearly if there any malfunctions, however minute they are.
  • State clearly if the item has been for any repair (e.g. after damage). A receipt of that repair would be beneficial.
  • Check current street prices and other offerings, compare with your expectations. Prices will always go down.
  • Don't get upset with offers way below your asking price. Just ignore them.
  • Show some flexibility in location and time. We all have busy schedules.

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Transaction done

After the transaction is done please close your thread. Use the 'thread tools' upper right hand for that.

While there are many transactions done per day with most of them going smoothly there are occasional disputes.

If things go wrong
1) Keep calm and rational.
2) Note down all points, observations, reasons for dispute.
3) Get in touch with the seller and state your points politely. Try to resolve the issue instead of just making noise. Give the benefit of doubt before accusing the seller / assuming fraud.
4) You can post your situation into Consumers Corner, allowing the seller to respond with his point of view. Again: stick to facts.
5) If an amicable solution cannot be achieved, please seek legal advice and follow the rules and laws of Singapore.
6) Make screenshots of all conversations (SMS, Whatsapp, emails ...) to support your claims.

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Frequently Asked Questions / Frequently Discussed Topics

#1 Does ClubSNAP verify buyers / sellers?
Users are only verified by their email address upon subscription to ClubSNAP. Handphone numbers and other details in the profile or in the postings are not verified.

#2 Does ClubSNAP check the prices of the postings?
No. ClubSNAP does not interfere into the prices for any offered or requested items.
However, postings of obviously questionable nature (spam / scam) will be deleted.

#3 Is there any reputation system?
No, ClubSNAP does not maintain any reputation system for buyers and sellers.

#4 I don't want to post my hp no or email address.
In that case, please ask to be contacted by PM. Do keep in mind that your inbox has a limited capacity.
Alternatively, you can easily create an email address only for the usage in Buy & Sell.

#5 I made a mistake in my posting, how can I edit?
Postings cannot be edited. This is to maintain proof and consistency of all offerings in case of disputes. If you need to make changes or updates please use the Reply function of your own thread.

#6 I want to respond to someone's offering, can I post into his thread?
No, only the thread starter can post into his own thread. Please use the PM function or any other given contact details.

#7 I have offered 3 items in one posting, one got sold already. Can I post the remaining items again immediately?
The three-days-rule (see 'Posting of items', #5) applies here, too. Please use the Reply function and post an update into your own thread.

#8 The transaction is done, I want to delete my postings.
Postings are kept and maintained as proof (see #4). Deleting is not supported.
Please close the thread, thus indicating that the item is sold.

#9 Something is wrong with the item I got.
Please see previous topic 'Transaction done'.

#10 I want to quit ClubSNAP, can you delete all my Buy & Sell postings?
Please see #5 and #7.

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