Funny OLY

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New Member
Aug 18, 2006
I know the E1 and 14-54mm are designed to be weatherproof, but waterproof?


Some SCENE functions that didn't make it to production on the E500...


:bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

OMG. That E-500! Limited edition?? Where can I get it? I want one, NOW! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thats the E-500AV limited edition.

Wait and see if these functions will be on the E510... :bsmilie:

Okay - jokes aside - I wonder if the E1 and 14-54 still work after that run after the tap... :dunno:

Wait and see if these functions will be on the E510... :bsmilie:

Okay - jokes aside - I wonder if the E1 and 14-54 still work after that run after the tap... :dunno:

Yup, some nutcases :angel: have actually done that, with no adverse effects on their E-1s.

Microcosm had his 14-54mm dropped in snow of an hour or two, still works fine.

Yup, some nutcases :angel: have actually done that, with no adverse effects on their E-1s.

Microcosm had his 14-54mm dropped in snow of an hour or two, still works fine.
Well, it is OK if it is raining or accidentally dropping the gear in snow, but AFAIK, the E-1 is not water proof, only weather proof so I would not deliberatly throw it in the pool. If it gets dirty it should be OK to wash it under shower but I wander how long the gaskets will hold tight.

Okay - jokes aside - I wonder if the E1 and 14-54 still work after that run after the tap... :dunno:

Well, the Canadian Oly rep once told a story that he was supposed to abuse the E-1, so he put the camera under the shower for 20 minutes, and than he shot the Montreal F1 race the next day with no problems.

There are limits to its weatherproofing; it's not like the new Stylus which you can operate 33 feet under water (never mind 1mm underwater). I remember reading somewhere how much water (mm/hour) they specify...the amount in the above image is probably too much (especially under pressure).

Don't think it can stand in a sink of soapy water.

Long long time ago... some affiliate from Olympus SG showered with his E-1 + 14-54 and it still worked. He sold off all his E-system gear, not sure who bought them.

Wait and see if these functions will be on the E510... :bsmilie:

Okay - jokes aside - I wonder if the E1 and 14-54 still work after that run after the tap... :dunno:

Just came back from shooting in the rain on assignment together with John. No problems at all. Mind you my E-1 is not housed.

weatherproof == splash proof (which is equal to shooting in the rain, showering with it, or running it under a tap) != submergence proof (which is going swimming with the E1)

weatherproof also refers to protection against dust and dirt.

oly is true to its claims. just get the definitions right.

weatherproof == splash proof (which is equal to shooting in the rain, showering with it, or running it under a tap) != submergence proof (which is going swimming with the E1)

weatherproof also refers to protection against dust and dirt.

oly is true to its claims. just get the definitions right.
Splash proof is not equal water proof. Just read this link below, nowhere it says water proof. Water proof is if you can take a swim with the camera or keeping it under a water tap. Spash = rain, shower or similar, i.e. weather. Weather proof is not equal dust proof, it is much more, but of course, also dust proof.

Wait and see if these functions will be on the E510... :bsmilie:

Okay - jokes aside - I wonder if the E1 and 14-54 still work after that run after the tap... :dunno:

I do that all the time.

Well, it is OK if it is raining or accidentally dropping the gear in snow, but AFAIK, the E-1 is not water proof, only weather proof so I would not deliberatly throw it in the pool. If it gets dirty it should be OK to wash it under shower but I wander how long the gaskets will hold tight.

Takes a nice shower long enough to wash away salt from shooting near the sea. The longest mine has been under the shower head was about 5 minutes. With the 50-200.

Well, the Canadian Oly rep once told a story that he was supposed to abuse the E-1, so he put the camera under the shower for 20 minutes, and than he shot the Montreal F1 race the next day with no problems.

There are limits to its weatherproofing; it's not like the new Stylus which you can operate 33 feet under water (never mind 1mm underwater). I remember reading somewhere how much water (mm/hour) they specify...the amount in the above image is probably too much (especially under pressure).

A friend on mine got lazy once and dunked his E-1 and 50-200 into a pail of water, to our horror... he must be an idiot, but thankfully the camera survived.

Even if for splashes or showers, care must be taken to make sure those are not strong splashes or sprays. A jet of water when it hits a surface does exert considerable pressure onto a surface that may equal being submerged under some X metres of water and may pierce the gaskets!

A friend on mine got lazy once and dunked his E-1 and 50-200 into a pail of water, to our horror... he must be an idiot, but thankfully the camera survived.

Say, is the lens mounting ring area of the E-1 body gasketed?

Gaskets probably work best when the camera/lens is young.
Reason being is that all rubbery materials tend to creep or stress-relax after a prolonged time, and much more so in warm environments. When the gasketing material is clamped tightly in the plastic nooks and over time the gasket's material naturally flows around the clamped area to relieve the built-up internal stress. Just like a rubber band not being able to return to its original length once stretched for a long time. Once enough creep happens, the strength of the seal of a gasket will be less than when it's new.

This may or may not be a concern... as Olympus may have specified for a material when clamped at a certain amount will creep no more than a critical amount needed to compromise the seal to maintain the water-resistance spec over the estimated product's usage life -but definitely not forever.

But young/new cameras can still have gasket failure... most probably due to poor assembly or a poor lot of gasket material.

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