Fuji/Agfa (.NCP) Picture Controls

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Senior Member
Dec 25, 2005
Pardon my noobiness:

Re: http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?t=390318

I could load the original Nikon's Portrait & Landscape PCs but am unsuccessful with third-party (.NCP) PCs ... like the Velvia, Astia & Optima.

I've followed the steps on that original thread (post #7), except that I did not format my CF card (don't want to lose existing pics).

My steps:
Created NIKON folder in root (main) directory of CF card.
Created CUSTOMPC folder in the NIKON folder.
Copied the three .NCP files to this specific subfolder; ie, F\NIKON\CUSTOMPC
On my D700; steps...
MENU=>SHOOTINGMENU=>ManagePictureCONTROL=>Load/save=>Copy to camera

=>got the error msg "no picture control on CF card"

Where did I go wrong?

Thank you.

Pardon my noobiness:

Re: http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?t=390318

I could load the original Nikon's Portrait & Landscape PCs but am unsuccessful with third-party (.NCP) PCs ... like the Velvia, Astia & Optima.

I've followed the steps on that original thread (post #7), except that I did not format my CF card (don't want to lose existing pics).

My steps:
Created NIKON folder in root (main) directory of CF card.
Created CUSTOMPC folder in the NIKON folder.
Copied the three .NCP files to this specific subfolder; ie, F\NIKON\CUSTOMPC
On my D700; steps...
MENU=>SHOOTINGMENU=>ManagePictureCONTROL=>Load/save=>Copy to camera

=>got the error msg "no picture control on CF card"

Where did I go wrong?

Thank you.

Do make sure that the file names are all in upper case.

Yes. Both the folder names, NIKON & CUSTOMPC were caps on.

Initially, the files, Agfa_Optima.NCP, Fuji_Astia.NCP & Fuji_Velvia.NCP, were as it was downloaded, small caps. It didn't work.

After browsing through other forums, some mentioned that NIKON 'likes' to use the Caps On convention; so I changed them to AGFA_OPTIMA.NCP, FUJI_ASTIA.NCP & FUJI_VELVIA.NCP;
still doesn't work.

Yes. Both the folder names, NIKON & CUSTOMPC were caps on.

Initially, the files, Agfa_Optima.NCP, Fuji_Astia.NCP & Fuji_Velvia.NCP, were as it was downloaded, small caps. It didn't work.

After browsing through other forums, some mentioned that NIKON 'likes' to use the Caps On convention; so I changed them to AGFA_OPTIMA.NCP, FUJI_ASTIA.NCP & FUJI_VELVIA.NCP;
still doesn't work.

Try rename it to PICCON01.NCP , PICCON02.NCP , PICCON03.NCP & etc...

It should work. I've tried.

Files for download: http://www.neebu.net/~khuon/photography/NIKON/CUSTOMPC/
Readme file: http://www.neebu.net/~khuon/photography/NIKON/CUSTOMPC/readme.txt

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