EF 50mm f/1.8 II worth to buy?

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New Member
Jul 5, 2006
EF 50mm f/1.8 II - S$160

I think this is the cheapest Canon lens in the market, any user here?

I am thinking of this lens for normal portraiture for friends/family members.

Is it a good start before i go into portraiture?

Please please please do a search. This lens has been discussed past death and decay already.

yes. but you can certainly get it cheaper at aorund only $130.

Some shops less than $130, with international warranty.
Good lens to learn shooting basics, as its f/1.8
I Recommend to get brand new.
If dun like then sell off @ $110 within the month and get a 85mm or 100mm prime.
Do internet search for reviews.

Yes and no. It is a cheap and great value prime lens that can produce sharp and pleasing photos. But it can turn into a $100+ paper weight if you don't like to use that focal length or can't do without zoom.

i can do with the plasticky build....although at times it seems like the lens is going to fall apart when its focusing :cool:

its a pretty decent piece of glass for the price. Good for starting portrait shooting... you'll soon appreciate its sharpness despite the lack of zoom ;p

For me, yes :)
For you, maybe! Only you can decide whether it suits you, it's a nice little lens, and the cost is so low you shouldn't have to think twice about buying it... haha :p buy, try, if you don't like, sell. Or even better, just borrow one and try

Yes it's definitely worth buying. For that price this is a great lens! :thumbsup: I've used it on many cameras and I like it a lot. Personally I find 50mm more useful on a 1.3x crop or Full Frame camera, but it makes a nice portraits and candids lens in a 1.6x crop camera. In any case, the small size and light weight plus the f1.8 means you can have a compact/light-weight camera-lens combi to shoot inconspicuously and without flash even when indoors.

I don't see what the problem is with being "plasticky". Many Canon lenses are "plasticky" and they perform very well. The most important thing is the images the lens can produce.

EF 50mm f/1.8 II - S$160

I think this is the cheapest Canon lens in the market, any user here?

I am thinking of this lens for normal portraiture for friends/family members.

Is it a good start before i go into portraiture?


Gives you a taste of an "L" for 10% of the cost....

before you rush down and get a copy of this lens..
i can only emphasize that, buy what you Need and not because of someone recommed this lens or that lens, doesnt mean that you will like it.

just my 0.02..

IMHO, this lens is not worth buying... coz you'll love it so much you'll end up selling it and buy the 50mm f/1.4 :bsmilie:

I can say its a good, cheap and sharp lens... but I only used it once n its now sitting in my dri-cabi "collecting dust"... I still prefer to use zoom lenses, gives me the flexibility..

i use it mainly for museum, art gallery, aquarium and some landscape shots....

i bring it along when i go on holiday since it is so light and can use it in the evening when i need a faster lense...

My advise to you is..... Don't buy :bsmilie: Save up and go for f1.4 :lovegrin:

I was so astonished with the feedback from CSers on this lens and got it eventually, for an indoor event shooting. Just to share my experience with this lens..

First off, I found that 50mm is a little bit too long for indoor even shooting (esp. if you're having event in HDB in Singapore) So, have that 50mm length in mind =)

Then, I tried using it during my friend's wedding lunch. Again, 50mm is a little bit too long for group shooting (the most you can go is 2~3 person in a pic), otherwise you may need a shorter focal length..

While this is a good and cheap lens with F/1.8, it is not so suitable for indoor event shooting with limited space. However, no doubt it is a good portrait lens!

Just my two cents, hope it helps =)


I was so astonished with the feedback from CSers on this lens and got it eventually, for an indoor event shooting. Just to share my experience with this lens..

First off, I found that 50mm is a little bit too long for indoor even shooting (esp. if you're having event in HDB in Singapore) So, have that 50mm length in mind =)

Then, I tried using it during my friend's wedding lunch. Again, 50mm is a little bit too long for group shooting (the most you can go is 2~3 person in a pic), otherwise you may need a shorter focal length..

While this is a good and cheap lens with F/1.8, it is not so suitable for indoor event shooting with limited space. However, no doubt it is a good portrait lens!

Just my two cents, hope it helps =)

50mm is not a lens for group shots. more for portrait :lovegrin: even at 24mm on 1.6x I feel it is too long for group shots.. you need at least 17mm :lovegrin:

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