[curiousmarcus] A Photo A Day from my iPhone


New Member
Jun 29, 2012

Day 1 - Tigger or Eeyore?

I love photography and challenge myself everyday to take better and more inspiring photos. Hence I started a thread on APAD. Please feel free to critique and comment on my photos :)

Recently read the book "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch and was inspired by his statement that we should choose between Tigger or Eeyore. He said that Tigger finds the fun in every situation. Eeyore wallows in self-misery. Long story short, I realized that we could spent our life being an Eeyore and it was up to us to become a Tigger.

Anyone read the book and have their thoughts on this?

iPhone apps I use:
1. Camera+
2. Snapseed
3. Picfx (sometimes)
4. Instagram (sometimes)

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That's actually a very creepy picture! :sweatsm:

i will pick eeyore only because I like purple. :bsmilie:

hope to see more of your pics! :) welcome to APAD~


Day 2: 一个人的精彩

iPhone apps I use:
1. Camera+
2. Snapseed
3. Picfx (sometimes)
4. Instagram (sometimes)

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Day 3 - Here's how you mix the creative juice for a long night ahead (before EURO 2012 finals).

Took with a white cardboard underneath and leaned it against the wall. Room light is fluorescent white. No filters, native iPhone camera.

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Day 4 - Closing time

Instagram and Sierra filter. We can start noticing the noise due to the lack of light.

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Day 2: 一个人的精彩

iPhone apps I use:
1. Camera+
2. Snapseed
3. Picfx (sometimes)
4. Instagram (sometimes)

Welcome to APAD, post more !

Interesting shot, is this girl quite tall ? or is it just the perspective :D


Day 5 - Castle in the sky.

Instagram and Sierra filter. What i love about instagram is its speed of upload.


Day 6 - #lookup

Cropped and added Clarity in Camera +. Added Vintage in Snapseed.


Day 7 - Space is a luxury in Singapore

Use Photosync app to stitch and instagram Sierra. Sierra is fast becoming my favorite filter..


Day 8 - The wolf said, “You know, my dear, it isn’t safe for a little girl to walk through these woods alone.” The girl replied “Hello Kitty”.

Use Snapseed - vintage filter

I like #6



Day 9 - Till now, I always got by on my own. I never really cared until I met you. And now it chills me to the bone. How do I get you alone?

Snapseed - Vintage filter


Day 11 - Product shot. Kindle Cover.

Native camera. Put a white board underneath. Under white fluorescent light.


Day 12 - Love Window Light and long Windows.

Use Snapseed - tap center focus to bring down brightness for vignette effect.


Day 13 - Chilling at Rochester Starbucks before football.

Use Photosync merge 8 photos. Followed by Snapseed - Vintage Filter.