Went to Hokkaido, Japan from 12-19 May. Visited Bic Camera stores in Sapporo and Tokyo and bought the cleaning kit and magnifying eyepiece. Images in this post taken with Sony Ericsson K800i.
Pentax display in Bic Camera, Sapporo
Pentax display in Bic Camera, Shinjuku, Tokyo
FA* 300mm f2.8 on display in Tokyo branch.
Special offer for K100D for about S$830, kit for about S$947 in Sapporo branch.
View from hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Bic Camera is in the building half-covered in shade near the center. Shinjuku Center Building is in the brown building in the top right corner, where Pentax Forum is located. Couldn't find time to visit.
Another view form the hotel of skyscraper district.
Pentax display in Bic Camera, Sapporo
Pentax display in Bic Camera, Shinjuku, Tokyo
FA* 300mm f2.8 on display in Tokyo branch.
Special offer for K100D for about S$830, kit for about S$947 in Sapporo branch.
View from hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Bic Camera is in the building half-covered in shade near the center. Shinjuku Center Building is in the brown building in the top right corner, where Pentax Forum is located. Couldn't find time to visit.
Another view form the hotel of skyscraper district.