Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder : A sorf of self portraiture of a photographer

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Senior Member
May 3, 2003
Woody Land
Long title... anyway presenting :

Julie and Me!


Hey Razor,

Haven't see a self portrait done up this way. But that's a cool one.


U can be a spy....:)

nice picture. lovely eyes. :)

I love the idea :)
Your cam is super sharp :thumbsup:

Your very photogenic razor!;) Just kidding...exellent shot by the way. I like the skin tone and probably a little cloning of that black spot on her left nose (or is it a mole)? All in all great shot! And a gorgeous model! :thumbsup:

Vvvrrry beautiful effect & creative of e eyes! Superb & Gd job..:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :D hee..

how about calling it "She only has eyes for me"?

question: is it the hair which makes the models right face sharper than the left?

i find it unbalanced.

Nice one bro. Something out of the ordinary.:thumbsup:

You have nicely embedded your pic inside her eyes. Nice Ps for that !

And the model is Ooooo so lovely !


I did not embedded my pic in her eyes. :) It is a true reflection of me holding my camera when I snap this shot. It is not PSed.



This is interesting. I had this impression cos her iris looks pixelised and your reflection, smaller then the iris, is well defined.

An usual iris would have lines not dots, this is why it looked pixelised to me.


But if it is as you say then this is even nicer ! :thumbsup:


I did not embedded my pic in her eyes. :) It is a true reflection of me holding my camera when I snap this shot. It is not PSed.



This is interesting. I had this impression cos her iris looks pixelised and your reflection, smaller then the iris, is well defined.

An usual iris would have lines not dots, this is why it looked pixelised to me.


But if it is as you say then this is even nicer ! :thumbsup:

It is really Razor reflected in the model's eyes. The pixelation is due to the fact that it is a colored contact lens the model have on which creates the hazel pattern.


Thks for explaining. I really did not think about the possibility of the contact lens. Gosh! I am really an old fart ! :bsmilie:

Thks again man ! :thumbsup:

Learning every day !.

It is really Razor reflected in the model's eyes. The pixelation is due to the fact that it is a colored contact lens the model have on which creates the hazel pattern.

excellence shot! well done!:thumbsup:

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