Be Reak w/ the pricing and suppor the entry Photogrprs

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New Member
Aug 14, 2008
Sorry guys to share my thoughts abt local 2nd hand marker here in general.
I am not local, ok.lah, but been here enough long to understand "local" thinking.
Selling the 2nd hand equipments, most og the ppl (not only locals) expect foolish prices for their equipments with the minimum lose of course. Understand that. Myself been enquiring some top end products and just want to share this with you guys who is entering to the market.

I just get pissed of about the pricing when look at the prices ppl asking and willing to really pay. Let say, if your equipment is out of warranty and it is mint condition, would you be ready to pay for the almost the price of new? I am not asking to pay for the e.g. Canon retail price, but the price what recognized shops are offering? I doubt so, doesn't really make a difference if warranty is over and you take it from the Gray shop without warranty. What would you choose? 2nd hand, Used or new without warranty??? Be realistic, god shake!

I think 60-70% is reasonable to pay for the 2nd hand out of warranty, but some of you guys are ready to pay for the 100% of the grey one price!!! Farkin stupid I would say...

I know some good pieces goes for the higher price, but still....when nego with some 2nd sellers, 10SGD REALLY matters!!!

Dealing with the some "locals" really annoying me and just want it to point out. No offence for all. There are still good ppl around, but some of the ppl should really wake up!!

Of course stupid is not the person who asked, is the person willing to pay, but still.
I prefer local community, local shops, etc, but really 2nd hand is 2nd hand.

Same is for all other consumers.

My point, look at the price lists, what all others really keep updating, appreciate that very much to get indication abt the price levels, as sometimes, there will be Ang Mo extra on top of that!!!. Even locals, should really think is it worht to pay 85% for the 2nd, no warranty???
And let say safe some extra 50$$$??? Worht?? Hmmm, Well I know pretty well all excuses, have mortage, have car loans for the next 10 years, but still consider, does it really make a difference to buy a lenses or other photog. consumers, or any other 2nd hand items??

After been nego with some ppl I have desided to go for the new unless it is really a good deal, if needed I farkin safe somewhere else...

So pissed of when ppl say, 200SGD is still less than the new U would pay...meaning abt 10% cheaper price without warranty etc... I would say STUPID!

Sorry for my crying here, I safe that 200 for somewhere else...maybe putting little less petrol for my 100kSGD car...

I like cheap charlies, shopping around, and really make efforts on that, except that virus been infected to the all shops in the SIM Lim exmaple.

I rather to pay little more extra for the good service and int warranty than changing my chicken rice meals for the instant noodles.

Just my 2cent

What is reak?

And yes I agree that there will always be some people who have very poor market awareness, but there is no real point crying over spilt milk. If they want to be like that, no amount of bargaining or complaining will change them.

I really dislike, though, the fact that you are stereotyping Singapore photographers or Singaporean members in this forum to having this attitude. Tell me, doesn't this parallel discriminating a particular race or nationality? Get real. You will meet all sorts of people, of all nationalities, that also have this mindset. To pass such comments is insensitive and narrowminded.

You finished?

Mate i think thats life. Maybe a simple reminder to the seller about the market price would help him/her understand. Not that hard. If they don't budge well find another seller.

No need to cry about it buddy, people out in this forum want to make the most money out of their equipment sales. Although im sure they will come to their senses when the product cannot be sold.

Relax dude.

It is all about demand and supply. If you feel that their prices are too high, just move on.

It takes the 2nd hand mkt sometime to adjust to the recent changes in prices, if you are a Canon user at least.

I have the same experience. If a shop can offer you almost the same price with 12+3 month warranty, let you wallet do the talking. If not, just wait.

Happy shopping!

Top-end equipment not easy to find, so I don't see why the seller should mark up his price as close to the original as possible, provided the condition of the item is maybe about 9/10.

You expecting someone to sell a 300/2.8 at 60% of the original price?

Yes, supply and demand. If too high, nobody will buy. If people willing to pay, then seller has the right to charge that amount. A good lens is a good lens, so sometimes charging a premium rate is justifiable.

Hopefully you understand my writing because I have some trouble understanding yours.

To solve all these, just fix the price. People who don't meet it are not your customer.

And you don't have to waste time to even response to these people.

Unless you're desperate to sell, that's another story.

Im fine as long as i dont become one of these 'stupid' buyers. =)
there are indeed some individuals (buyers) who are believe that 2nd hand high quality goods are worth prices close to the new items. i beg to differ..

But look on the bright side... if everyone was so 'smart', what so special about being smart anymore?

and really, go easy on your language. =p

so long as you're the buyer, whenever you see overpriced 2nd hand items, you can always don't buy.
never ever try to pm the seller, cos is most likely he will ignore your pm.
check out various thread in the b&s for the same item before deciding on the price you're willing to pay.

well if you got more cash to burn then just go buy a 1st hand instead.

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Sorry guys to share my thoughts abt local 2nd hand marker here in general.
I am not local, ok.lah, but been here enough long to understand "local" thinking.
Selling the 2nd hand equipments, most og the ppl (not only locals) expect foolish prices for their equipments with the minimum lose of course. Understand that. Myself been enquiring some top end products and just want to share this with you guys who is entering to the market.

I just get pissed of about the pricing when look at the prices ppl asking and willing to really pay. Let say, if your equipment is out of warranty and it is mint condition, would you be ready to pay for the almost the price of new? I am not asking to pay for the e.g. Canon retail price, but the price what recognized shops are offering? I doubt so, doesn't really make a difference if warranty is over and you take it from the Gray shop without warranty. What would you choose? 2nd hand, Used or new without warranty??? Be realistic, god shake!

I think 60-70% is reasonable to pay for the 2nd hand out of warranty, but some of you guys are ready to pay for the 100% of the grey one price!!! Farkin stupid I would say...

I know some good pieces goes for the higher price, but still....when nego with some 2nd sellers, 10SGD REALLY matters!!!

Dealing with the some "locals" really annoying me and just want it to point out. No offence for all. There are still good ppl around, but some of the ppl should really wake up!!

Of course stupid is not the person who asked, is the person willing to pay, but still.
I prefer local community, local shops, etc, but really 2nd hand is 2nd hand.

Same is for all other consumers.

My point, look at the price lists, what all others really keep updating, appreciate that very much to get indication abt the price levels, as sometimes, there will be Ang Mo extra on top of that!!!. Even locals, should really think is it worht to pay 85% for the 2nd, no warranty???
And let say safe some extra 50$$$??? Worht?? Hmmm, Well I know pretty well all excuses, have mortage, have car loans for the next 10 years, but still consider, does it really make a difference to buy a lenses or other photog. consumers, or any other 2nd hand items??

After been nego with some ppl I have desided to go for the new unless it is really a good deal, if needed I farkin safe somewhere else...

So pissed of when ppl say, 200SGD is still less than the new U would pay...meaning abt 10% cheaper price without warranty etc... I would say STUPID!

Sorry for my crying here, I safe that 200 for somewhere else...maybe putting little less petrol for my 100kSGD car...

I like cheap charlies, shopping around, and really make efforts on that, except that virus been infected to the all shops in the SIM Lim exmaple.

I rather to pay little more extra for the good service and int warranty than changing my chicken rice meals for the instant noodles.

Just my 2cent

If you have the money, why bother about 2nd products and bargaining....:dunno:

why so pissed?

I find unreasonable sellers/buyers extremely amusing!

anyway, its a free market, not a Teekoo market, so please, watch the language.

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hey chill it dude. I understand where you're coming from. I see some of the prices that the sellers are asking for from the B&S section, and I agree its ridiculous. But like the rest said, at the most just move on. Once ppl don't buy their stuff, they will realise that they are indeed asking ridiculous prices.
Like you said, if 200 bucks more can get you a grey set with local shop warranty, then go get it. It just means drinking a bit more water and eating a bit more bread for lunch. Lol..Times are hard. Live and let live.;)

:cool: lets just enjoy photography......:cool:

So in which part of your lengthy complaint said anything about support the entry photographers? It certainly looks like you are pissed off only because you can't get 2nd-hand top-end stuffs for cheap. It is a free market and sellers have no obligation to make sure their prices must meet your "60-70% of orginal price guideline". If you are unhappy with the pricing, just move on or get a new one.

And spare your vulgarities, despite your feeble attempts to disguise them.

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This thread does nothing except to stir up troubles. Thread closed.

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