Anyone used VSCO Film for LR/ACR?


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2009
Lightroom - Adobe Camera Raw | VSCO Film | Visual Supply Co

I'm interested to purchase this plugin and so trying to gather some opinions on the realism and quality (esp. colour) that can be expected from it.

Bros who have used it pls share your thoughts. The Fuji 160C simulation seems especially yummy, though I'd say it still doesn't really capture the film look yet, but really close.

Also anyone interested to share the cost for the "Studio 01" pack?

Hi surrephoto I am looking at this too. Been trying to find a film simulator for a long long time. I shoot film too and i would say the presets with the canon or nikon profiles are close to the film feel but still they cannot emulate exactly. (all from the reviews, i myself thinking of buying the studio 01 too.) Looks tempting... pm you

looks yummy indeed but i still prefer real film haha... recently using more film then digital.

Sometimes i feel the amount of money i put in to buy the films, the development chemicals, scanners, etc, I still could not get the max out of the film because I cannot afford nikon coolscan. The rest of the scanners cmi or too ex or scan too slowly. So i would rather invest in this promising film simulator. Of coz no fight for real films.