
  1. N

    "Singapore, My Home" photo contest

    What does Singapore as our home mean to you? Is it our iconic architecture, multi-cultural community, or our reputation as a green city oasis that speaks to you most? Showcase your best images of what Singapore as our home means to you. Winners will be judged on aesthetics, creativity and...
  2. P

    Co-op Hot Shots 8 Photography Competition

    [THEME: MAKE THE DIFFERENCE] The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives in many ways. But it has also shown us how the spirit of mutual help and togetherness can make the difference to others. How are you or your community making the difference and creating a positive impact? Share your...
  3. weiteck

    LCS 60 Photo Contest (Deadline: 31 Jan 2019)

    Lions Club of Singapore , a non-profit organization, in commemorating its 60th year of community services in Singapore - organising a #Photo Contest open to all Singapore residents, PRs and foreigners to create and foster a spirit of understanding what community service is about. This contest...

    Photo Stories Contest

    CINE-BOOKS Platform invite photographers and filmmakers, professional and amateur, to join the Photo Stories Contest! The cine-book is a brand new type of storytelling based on next-generation media format for digital content! Our Photo Stories is a photo-comics format with a dynamic plot...