Recent content by zacke

  1. Z

    Food! Yummy food!

    Very nice! Looking forward to attend a similar workshop next time.
  2. Z

    Relaxing (part 2)

    Very nice!
  3. Z

    Nude Photography

    Since we're on this topic (sort of), would any of you guys know how i can contact B man? I paid him $300 for a shoot last year which didn't materialize.
  4. Z

    Bobman: OSM Nude Shoot - 31 Mar 07 & 01 Apr 07

    Some people drink Nescafe, some like Milo, some like Neslo. There's nothing wrong with bridal nude. Don't simply comment. A rubbish for you is another man's $$$.
  5. Z

    Sigma APO 70-200mm F2.8 EX DG MACRO HSM or Nikon AF 80-200mm f/2.8D ED

    I asked the same question few months back and a gentleman here adviced me to get the 80-200mm 2.8. Finally I bought a second hand unit and till now very satisfied with the lens. Letting go this lens would mean I'm upgradding to a 70-200mm VR.
  6. Z

    Going somewhere, Darling? (Eternal Love)

    Reminds me of PHSM I & II. ;)
  7. Z

    Charby's Angel - Sexy Veronica

    Alankpy, What a player...!!! Salute you for keeping that positive attitude despite all the critics. We all learn new things everyday, until the day we die. Cheers.
  8. Z

    Julie Revisited

    Although there are areas that can be improve, to an amature like me, this is very nice. Keep up the good work & share with us... Cheers.
  9. Z

    :: Sofya at Tioman ::

    I like this shot.
  10. Z

    Circular polarizer help

    Thank you for asking and also sharing the article. :)
  11. Z

    OSM Shoots

    Very much agree with you...
  12. Z

    Studio Workshop in August

    Wow... very interesting indeed...
  13. Z

    OSM Shoot in August

    Browsing through your schedule, I wanna join for 9 Aug session. What's the difference between session 1 and 2?
  14. Z

    Studio Lighting Workshop - 9 Jul 06 (Sunday)

    Bro, you should announce in this thread that the workshop is cancelled. Inform me of your next session. Thanks. Cheers.