Recent content by yoerii

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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 18: Halong Bay I post Halong Bay as my last post of the year coz i really like this place a lot. C ya guys in 2010!
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 17: Morning assembly
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 16: Wet market @ Sapa
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 15: Sapa market An granny doing some handiwork to earn a living
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 14: Kids by waterfall @ Vietnam Wondering how is my sponsor kid is doing. Is she hanging around in the villages like those kids??
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    Hehehe... i was bored n' nothing better to do mar. So keep on harassing the crab lor ;p N' thanks for dropping by. ;)
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 13: Street of Hanoi
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 12: Monkey @ Pulau Pangkor A disappointed look after the food has been grabbed away from his gang
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 11 : Crab This little crab was so shy, it took me 2 hours just to snap this shot.
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 11: Waterlily After going through some hardships, we bloom to a more beautiful person...
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    Thanks leong23 :)
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 10: Sunset at Kukup The good thing about going to smaller town / village is you got nothing much to do except for enjoying the scenery around you.
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 9: Genting Highlands Sometimes, photography is about luck. I guess it was my lucky day to snap this magnificent view. You can compare to my first post, where I went to the same place and take photo but it was drastically different feeling
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    Taiwan Trip in Dec 09

    I need help with my taiwan trip planing here. Does anyone been to Mt. Hehuan before. How long will it takes to get to Hualian for there? I was thinking to include toroko gorge on the way from mt hehuan to hualian. but not sure if the time is enough or not...:sweat:
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    [yoerii] A photo whenever I can

    # 8: DragonFly