Recent content by yk200

  1. Y

    Roaming notice from malaysia operator while still in Singapore

    normal la... my office in CBD have permanently Indo (AXIS) telco signal .:bigeyes:
  2. Y

    UK - bank and equipment storage issue

    1. to open an bank a/c you would need a letter from your company and an mailling address in UK. I dont recall u can withdraw $ from diff bank. e.g if ur ATM card is from barclay then u can only withdraw from that bank. UK have many banks to name a few... HSBC, Citibank, RBS, Halifax, Barclay...
  3. Y

    All the wait is finally over... my little Keegan!!! (PG)

    Handsome indeed. :D.. Congratulation !! Did you take photo of him everyday? more pic of cute handsome please haha :lovegrin: Btw, just to clearify ur chinese title, u trying to type 终于 not 中于 right?
  4. Y

    iPhone 4 is OUT!

    think some are still queuing hahah!!!
  5. Y

    Any sony a100 user!!!

    I am A100 user too... nothing to surprise la bro Evilchaosz, I feel that A100 build is much better than the A200 series and dont see a reason to change. I rather spend those $ on better lens and filter, as A100 serve me well and to your surprise, those who upgrade from A100 other series might...
  6. Y

    a700 whitebalance

    a700 firmware v4 was improve on the noise control..however the wb turn out to be slightly yellowish to most of the bro who using it.. you can see some discussion about it at alpha forum :)
  7. Y

    Any issues to note when reached 10K

    reach 10k... good... u will notice that ur camera is still going strong. Pic are still perfectly good! my A100 already hit hmm i think i have lost count liao. :confused:
  8. Y

    SAL75300 vs Beercan

    bro, no need to think too much. beercan wins!! just the bokeh itself already big win!
  9. Y

    Self-Drive To Malacca

    wah lau 190km/h... please drive slower bro.. tresure your life man. it is not safe to drive that kind of speed on normal highway one minor mistake... you will be sorry... so pls take care.
  10. Y

    Self-Drive To Malacca

    ops... sorry Jukon.. enjoy ur trip then. yup they are very high-tech now.. they even have evo!! I saw it on the road.. 4 of them!! look super nice with the headlight, siren light! Make me want ot join the police force.... :bsmilie: so bro here... dont try to out run the police..they have evo now!
  11. Y

    Self-Drive To Malacca

    bro... as long as you are over 110km/h you are consider speeding, regardless of 111km/h or 140km/h. There is nothing you can justify or give excuse about you trying to overtake. btw nowsaday, TP/police didnt really station at one place to catch you. They drive along with a mobile speed...
  12. Y

    Self drive around France

    bro, u can try Used it few time when I was in europe. Driving in Marseille city is tough and parking is extreamly hard to find, but is fun! (been there quite a few time due to work, very nice place, beautiful sea and beach!) Aynway if is only 2 of you, then can get a small...
  13. Y


    bro.. actually what is ur intention?? maybe we can help better by knowing ur intention. ;)
  14. Y

    Alpha prices in Malaysia

    maybe you do not need to bring down to convert it to local warranty. since u have the tourist warranty, then just bring the tourist warranty if u need to service your camera. Sony will register ur tourist warranty when you bring down. That is what been told by Sony Singapore. further...
  15. Y

    Alpha prices in Malaysia

    if u buy in malaysia, u can ask for a tourist warranty then later u just convert it to local warranty when u are back in Singapore.