Recent content by vinze

  1. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    Hollow !! anybody home ?
  2. V

    Part Time Real Estate Agent

    Maybe i can assist you. give me a call / sms / email 9792 9841 been a full time agent for over a year now. could explain to you how to enroll and stuff with CEs or CEHA
  3. V

    Your views on the current surging property market

    Hahah i seriously dont understand u, U dont think that an agent Warrants to be earning 15k a mth ??? So are MPs and Docs n lawyers warranted to be earning 6 digit a mth ? is their earning disturbing u in any way or are u just jealous ? u can be an agent - no one is stopping u.. I'm...
  4. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    Well.. YEs welcome on board... the FZ ship.. there are still some Fz ppl here however,.. i not active in using my cam or this forum.. but not to worry as MOSt or all have used the FZ once here so feel free to ask any Q. im sure u'll get ur answer
  5. V

    Your views on the current surging property market

    For Fast Cash income - there is always Rental which pays the min the deal is sealed. most new Agents start of with rental and then move on to sales. Rental income is half a mth to a mth's rental for a year lease. u close 1 rental ave 1k. * 4 a mth... ( 4k * 0.7 ) = 2.8k.. much more den...
  6. V

    Your views on the current surging property market

    the higher u climb in terms of position, the more u earn,. usually a new agent splits 70% 30% between him and company. den its 80/20 90/10 and finally 95/5 Rental - 1 mth's rental for 1 year lease. landlord 1/2 mth rental for 1 year and below lease for tenant. This is usually...
  7. V

    Your views on the current surging property market

    Well.. IT can be a Dream, I have free time to do lots of other stuff, spend time w family.. but i remind u.. its hard work I been a property agent for 1 year... and still is .. nv mention i stopped cheers since i started till now.. i have bought a 1.6 l car... 10% down payment, and...
  8. V

    Your views on the current surging property market

    Hi Guys, really would like to comment on this issue with some personal comments No hard feelings to any one... I'v been a property agent for the last 1 year. I have to welcome any one of you who believe its an easy job to try it out.. some 1 commented " bring client go view a few hse -...
  9. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    Hi Clunk ! looks like it must have been beautiful.. jetty, picture, fishing !! think it cld have been just a slightly better if the 1/3 rule was applied.. maybe jetty slightly lower... but i guess u wanted to include the rocks correct ? just my tiny 0.2cents
  10. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    Also. just asking to clear my "blurness "... its is wrong to post our pictures that we took with an FZ or as an FZ user here ? this is an Fz user Thread is it not ? wont make sense if we took a sunset, a little gal n a cat / insect in 3 different thread rite ? since the main point is to show...
  11. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    Well. THank Mod. just a few words... Hope u dont take it in the wrong way... But i believe this is a FZfriends thread n most of us have met each other n have become frens in some way.... most are fellow FZ users / ex Fz users... i believe this is one of the longest running threads...
  12. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    Clunk just sold his full set of of FZ 28 n items @ $450. i believe or was it $400. ?? That range may be good to start of with
  13. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    HI CLUNK !! please call me at abt 9pm to acertain the exact pick up time ! & did u buy the rods n stuff ? lastly., does this mean this tread will be coming to an end soon with the selling off of FZ 28 ? OH man.. onli me and a hand ful of guys / gals left with the FZ ... : (
  14. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    Sure not a prob clunk ! Will fix a time to pick u up on friday nite. most likely bout 9plus.. do drop me an sms on weds or thursday. would you like to go get the rod n stuff first ? or wanna get them on Friday nite ? Friday is confirm, just the Time & location to pick u up. Do remind...
  15. V

    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    as mention. If we do go for any outing, will be most glad to lend my Tcon17 for Try if any one wishes to try.. dont use much of it anyway... Think i only used it twice over the months ..