Recent content by stroma

  1. S

    Think your photoshop skills are good?

    So far the puzzle requires no PS Skills at all !!! You don't need PS to clean the mirror..just type rirrom.htm at the end of the URL and you will see the next bit which gives the next two word answer to enter :) It would be great if someone came up with a puzzle that did test PS...
  2. S

    Need Help - Genuine Fractals

    Yes Yes Yes... If you have PS, go to Image>Image Size , ensure you have the bi-linear interpolation option enabled and increment the size by 10% (5% is too slow) and repeat as often as is necessary... Does the job Genuine Fractals does and won't cost a penny.! :)
  3. S

    How Good is Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 ?

    So Ignorance is Bliss..... The F1.4 is renowned for its "softer" i.e. "less sharp" images for 3 to 4 times the price. The F1.8 is an all time bargain, brilliant Prime lens....and you haven't even considered the F1.2 (seriously more money)....Go out and take same photos!!! ;)
  4. S


    Books yes, magazine articles yes....but the best way to learn is to get in and experiment over and over and over again... However first learn to use layers for all your adjustments and you will be on the road! :)
  5. S

    How Many Nikon Camera do you own?

    Pretty close to my little collection: 1 Nikon F80....1 Konica KD500Z..... 1 Nikon D70 :)
  6. S

    The Ultimate DSLR

    I started this thread back in February...nice to see it's still going...and some very interesting suggestions..... so here's another from me.. How about a 10mm - 1000mm zoom lens, F1.2 across the whole 'internally contained' zoom range, fitting into a lens size of say a 50mm F1.8 (which...
  7. S

    Nikon 50mm lens

    Whilst this information is correct I have to disagree, slightly with the 'period'! element. a) one other advantage is the very shallow depth of field when the lens is full open, which can give a beautifully isolated feel to your main subject and negate distracting backgrounds. b) A second...
  8. S

    Nikon 50mm lens

    You have an excellent DSLR and a very useful kit lens (I am presuming you have the 18-70) which is a good quality Lens. If you are new to all this I would suggest you go and experiment with your camera for at least six months before even contemplating another lens purchase. For a start, you have...
  9. S

    photoshop blending question

    Surely, if it is just a question of an underexposed main subject against a correctly exposed background, you could use the Shadow/Highlight filter (found under the normal adjustments menu) this is one of CS's selling features. It can also be applied to, for example, a duplicated background...
  10. S

    Brigthen Pictures In GIMP 2.2, a tutorial

    Hi, I teach PS at advanced level, but would recommend GIMP to anyone!! It's slow, it isn't anywhere near as 'pro' as PS but with patience, trial and error, and lots of practice can do a lot that PS can, for free, and is certainly more powerful than some other commercial software. :) My...
  11. S

    Nikon D70 Vs D70s

    If the difference was only S$30 i'd have gone for the d70s too. It hasn't been released in UK yet. :)
  12. S

    Nikon D70 Vs D70s

    I'm going to be a little bit cynical.... Nikon got the D70 just about perfect for the first time DSLR buyer.. This is a real camera (not an 'OK its digital but I wish it did....!! like the canon 300D... The 350D is another matter). Some of the new features of the D70s (like improvements to the...
  13. S

    Help with RAW in PS CS

    I Remember this problem..... I also remember seeing a zillion posts on it and finally (when I couldn't get the answer) finding it on Nikon's own forum. As lovely as they are, Nikon should have been shot for this one..... ;) D2X eh? lucky person. Oh and save youself some time..ignore the Nikon...
  14. S


    You're absolutely right! Best thing to do (as with all aspects of photography, I find) is to get out and take photos. :) But I would welcome some 'In the field' tips from someone like yourself, who has the experience of using one for several years. Oh and I have now found a manual on google...