Recent content by skeeg

  1. S

    Phoenix Rises From The Ashes: Our Winning Entry at The Fly By Night Video Challenge

    Thanks! We are all sleep deprived then. LOL
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    Phoenix Rises From The Ashes: Our Winning Entry at The Fly By Night Video Challenge Our winning entry for the Fly By Night Video Challenge 2013. A 48 hr short film competition organised by Objectifs Centre for Photography and Filmmaking. Congrats to all the 10 judges choice winners! Theme: “Yellow” Title: Phoenix From The Ashes Summary...
  3. S

    Faith: A Thaipusam Trailer

    Teaser for my Thaipusam video. Camera: 5D MK III; 85mm 1.2 & 24-70mm 2.8 Available in HD.
  4. S

    [streetNOISE] Thaipusam 2013

    That's weird. I wasn't asked to leave. I just finished my shoot. Been there since 10pm onwards.
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    2013 January Thaipusam Festival Singapore

    For me the best time is the piercing at the temple. I'll be there later tonight until the next day. Zoom lens and a prime is what I normally use. But this time I'm shooting video. Bring extra batteries! :)
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    2013 January Thaipusam Festival Singapore

    Thanks for the info. I was there during the 2011 Thaipusam. It was one of my best experience as a photographer. I walked with the devotees from 11pm till morning. Even walked with them again in their afternoon procession.
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    are we grateful?

    Ah yes, the problems of the First World.
  8. S

    NBA Finals - Oklahoma City Thunder vs Miami Heat

    85-93 OKC leads. 2:44 left in the 4th! Looks like another typical Heat let down. Durant looks like he's being possessed by Jordan during the 4th.
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    NBA Finals - Oklahoma City Thunder vs Miami Heat

    Then OKC should match Perkins with Bosh. With that Perkins' scary face, Bosh will probably piss himself. LOL. Kidding. Game 1: 1st Q: 47-37 Miami leads. Derek Fisher playing like he was 25 yrs old again!
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    NBA Finals - Oklahoma City Thunder vs Miami Heat

    I feel that OKC has more depth and can rely on other players in the bench. James Harden, 6th man of the year is young and athletic and can really do some serious damage. Don't forget 5-time champion Derek Fisher. I know he's old but he's still clutch and can provide good motivation and...
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    NBA Finals - Oklahoma City Thunder vs Miami Heat

    I have a feeling that it's LeBron's time to win the ring. But I'm still rooting for OKC. They are like a younger version of the Spurs.
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    Anti-foreigner sentiments rising in China...

    I agree with you and I am not offended. I did not vote for those crap. LOL. But people should not be offended by the truth. As I've always said, they voted trash, they get trash. Now all they do is complain and make ridiculous protests, wasting their time and money. I have given up on my country...
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    Anti-foreigner sentiments rising in China...

    Tell me about it. Don't even get me started on the way he speaks. Finally! An answer. And WOW, really? No wonder people turn to online social media to express their discontents. Thank you very much for the answer.
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    Anti-foreigner sentiments rising in China...

    Correct! But I have to say that I am still jealous of SG. Despite of lapses and imperfection of your gov't, it's nothing compared to my country. A country where the criteria for a gov't official is by his celebrity status instead of his accomplishments and records. A country where you can find...
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    Anti-foreigner sentiments rising in China...

    Yes of course. I wasn't implying that rallying is the biggest and only tool. I am also not saying that people should go out to protest for every complain that they have with the gov't. I merely stated that in some occasions it helped for the greater good, as seen in history. At the end of the...