Recent content by SHNAPPY SHAPPY

  1. S

    Czech, Austria and Hungary - Advice required :)

    just visit all 3 countries...2 weeks is good enough.Visit Prague/Czech, Budapest/ Hungary then visit Austria.In october it might be cool but the autumn is real beautiful...if you visit Austria..these places you shouldn't miss...Vienna.And you also can go to the Wienerwald to shoot the autum...
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    Early Ubin

    Thanks Josh for the infomations. Shappy.
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    Early Ubin

    Yes, I also would like to know how early is the first ferry to P.Ubin too. I will be in Spore by mid-June...wanted to visit this island too...prefer to take some morning sun photos. Thanks in advance for the infos. Shappy.
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    - (Cambodia 2006)

    I love all the pics but also the touching stories especially you mentioned those young beggars staring at your rest foods....:( Shappy.
  5. S

    NLPC - Ubin Outing

    I like pic #11.I will be in singapore very go to Ubin island and of course all over singapore to do the shootings..this time will only makan makan and shoot shoot.......:bsmilie: Of course shoot photos lar....!
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    Fishing The Ship

    I see no pics too ....:dunno:
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    aiya....I am a newbie lar:what: ...i also need someone to comment my pic dare I give you comment leh???:)
  8. S


    Hey, may I tumpang your thread ah??? Here is my window.Comments are welcome. Shappy.
  9. S

    Share Your Clouds Thread~

    :cool:wow wow.............I like clouds but never thought of shooting them beautiful can the clouds be...will go and shoot some clouds ( from Austria) on my coming off day and will join in the Clouds Thread later.May I? Shappy.
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    comments are welcome.this photos were taken by canon350D.Thanks for viewing. Shappy.
  11. S

    Some from AH ..taken today....

    wow.....I like #2 too.Look so mysterious and sooooooooo...........dunno how to describe lar..:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Shappy.
  12. S

    Sentosa Flowers

    WOW.............nice shots.I love those flowers. Shappy.
  13. S


    Hey, Please give me some comments.It is my first try in shooting coins,actually second time lar..the first time didn't come out "nice." shappy.
  14. S


    Hello tanhb, How come chinese new year got use pumpkins one??Is it a new trend ah now in Spore?I also dunno when will be my next trip to Spore.Here ah?? at the moment ís extreme cold chance for me to move around to do the shootings,wish I am in Spore lor.. Shoot more pics to...
  15. S


    Hey...nice pics there.:thumbsup: What are those fruits? Pumpkins? Wow...the chinese new year seems so far away from me...No festival moods over here in Cold Cold Austria leh.... Wish you all Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xhi Fatt Chay.:cheers: Shappy.