Recent content by Shann

  1. S

    Wedding Montage - Guy or Gal pics first?

    Hi all, My fren is trying to do her wedding montage and there is this qns in the head. The montage will flow fm childhood pics to dating to wedding.... however, in the childhood section... should the guy pics be shown first or the gal one?? or it doesn't matter at all which comes first...
  2. S

    Black Railway Bridge over mainroad

    Dear all, I was watching the 9pm show and I saw a bridge which is like a black railway bridge over a main taffic road. Anyone know where is it actually located?
  3. S

    Looking for budget Wedding Videographer for 22nd Nov 2009 & 5th Dec 2009

    Hi avid Videographers, I am looking for an actual day wedding videographer for 22nd Nov 2009 and 5th Dec 09. - Morning ceremony - Can quote me 2 prices... with and without clip highlights for nite Kindly PM me your quotations and portfolio for consideration. Thanks you so much Shan
  4. S

    Wedding day photographer

    Thanks to all who replied me. Let me look through your portfolio and charges and i will contact you asap. :)
  5. S

    Wedding day photographer

    Hi Avid Photographers, I'm looking for a reasonable photography service for my wedding day on 22nd Nov 2009. It will be a morning (the receiving of bride) & night shoot (dinner). Would appreciate you to send your portfolio and service package/rate to Shan @ Thank you...
  6. S

    how to remove camera hp's camera?

    i got a feeling tat even if u managed to 'block' the camera up, they still wont allow u to bring it in.... knowing tat model is a camera hp.... maybe if anyone got an unwanted old hp... can pass to u?? so u dun need to spend any $ on yr tight budget...
  7. S

    Fisherman's village at pasir ris

    wow... thanks for the info... the place kinda in a pathetic state... hope aft the reno, it will be better....
  8. S

    Fisherman's village at pasir ris

    haha... im sori... no.... :)
  9. S

    Fisherman's village at pasir ris

    oh... thanks... becos i heard from some ppl tat the place been closed down becos alot of restaurants there moved out... anyone from pasir ris here tat can provide me better info? :)
  10. S

    Fisherman's village at pasir ris

    Hi peepz, Can i juz check wif u all.... Is fisherman's village at pasir ris still available? Been a long long time since im there....
  11. S

    Smrt Challenge 2007

    hahaha... tat be really fun man... :D
  12. S

    Smrt Challenge 2007

    haha... i mean taking part in the challenge itself... but ngee ann city will be flooded with participants in red on tat day.
  13. S

    Smrt Challenge 2007

    hi peepz, any one joining SMRT challenge 2007 this year? How do u all go about preparing yourself? Maybe there are past participants here who might like to share their past experience and tips?
  14. S

    The Official Nintendo DS discussion

    Hi all, i juz bought my ds recently wif my fren... can someone teach us how to connect our ds together to play those multiplayer games? thanks.
  15. S

    Urgent, any instant photo studios near Hougang Mall?

    yup....there's one kodak shop at the basement of hougang mall....