Recent content by shane33

  1. S

    Official Canon 550D User Thread Part III

    gday guys heres a few pics from me im still getting my hands around the camera :)
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    Please share your photos by a Pentax camera here V :)

    thanks again guys the place is the Sydney airport 3rd runway Australia
  3. S

    Please share your photos by a Pentax camera here V :)

    thanks mate na i was onshore in a car park about 300meters away i used a pentax K20D with 300mm sigma kit lens and croped pic
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    Please share your photos by a Pentax camera here V :)

    full size
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    Please share your photos by a Pentax camera here V :)

    Taken With K20D and Pentax 18-250mm
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    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    as im in australia is it worth advertising on here to send overseas or just stick it on ebay would $500au be to much to ask with all setup including tcon17 and adaptor and 1 filter
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    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    guys anyone out there know what a 1 year old Fz28 with spare batt and car charger would be worth not used all that much also a tcon17 and the pana adaptor to suit the fz28 i have both looking to get rid of them as ive went dslr
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    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    gday rob been a while i see you had a good time overseas yea im getting the pic bug again had 2 frogs turn up on my front tonight thought ide grab some pics cheers :)
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    FZriends Thread (FZ18 & FZ28 users and ex-users group - part II)

    Freddo the Frog had 2 of em visit tonight they liked the camera heres a few with my Fz28
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    post FZ28 photos here

    Rob what program are you using for your watermark i like the look of it :)
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    post FZ28 photos here

  12. S

    post FZ28 photos here

  13. S

    post FZ28 photos here

    nice shots mate keep em comming :)
  14. S

    Thread for Lumix FZ18 and FZ28 Series

    got price deliverd to sydney nsw and pic of it if possible i might grab one off you :)