Recent content by shakespear

  1. S

    price to change shutter for S1 Pro??

    I have a S1 pro which I have bought afew years back.. and walked with me through my school days when I was still a student... haiz... :bsmilie: nowadays took it out and took until the shutter conked out.. :bigeyes: would like to know how much does it cost to replace a shutter for this model?? or...
  2. S

    25 years old ugly photographer 'conned'/ forced 14 years old 'models' into bed ?

    So?? does that give the guy the right to do that?? And he has already tarnished the name of photographers. ;( This type of people makes me puke. Makes me wanna whack a F100 to his head man... :bsmilie: anyone selling a spoilt F100?? :bsmilie: I was cursing at that guy lor, when I heard the...
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    This is the smile which I talk about. But she can go more. Make her relax. don't jump straight into the shooting, and hit a rapport with the models. your pictures will look great. keep on trying! btw, it is kind of rude to gatecrash people's threads like that... maybe can start your own...
  4. S


    This picture can be made better if Sally is placed is more to the left, and less of that "you owe me a million dollar" look :bsmilie: She beautiful, no doubt, but the expression has much to be improved, and THAT depends on the photographer. For me, I would prefer (very much) that her left arm is...
  5. S

    Barbie just got her new camera.. 1Dsmk2 + 600mmf4 IS

    Ken using D2Xs :bsmilie:
  6. S

    *Warning: Nude* Tease.

    This is called "act innocent" :bsmilie:
  7. S

    Gwen - My Take

    Your pictures are underexposed, but a little PS-ing will do the trick. However, there is a lack of "punch" to the picture, and this has alot got to do with the posing. So, needless to say, your posing has much to be improved. She her face also looked forced when she poses. too tense maybe...
  8. S

    Who's your idol in photography??

    pau is actually buns.. :bsmilie:
  9. S

    Paul & Xiuwei Coffee Table Album

    same here.. the result is what makes a wedding photographer feels that all his hardwork is all worth it.. To quote master Ansel Adams, The negative is comparable to the composer's score and the print to its performance... outstanding performance you've got! :thumbsup: for you!
  10. S

    : Pei Ling & Jacqueline @ Labrador

    Relax bro, practice makes perfect. you have tremendous potential. jiayou okay?? :)
  11. S

    : Pei Ling & Jacqueline @ Labrador

    I beg to differ. The photos were nice because of the models. As to the posing wise, there is much to be improved. The first and the third one's lighting is quite harsh, and in the case of the third one, its a total blow-out. So is 4, even though the pose is good, but the lighting is definetly...
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    Paul & Xiuwei Coffee Table Album

    tidy. neat. clean. nice moments captured.. this is the best layout yet in your works, IMHO ;)
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    Michelle Again

    hmm, actually, what I mean by that, is that the image could be better if there is more depth of colour to this image, but don't think it is achieveable by PS.. Perhaps you could try pushing the contrast, or use gradient to convert your B and W image to increase the impact. btw, I have no qualms...
  14. S

    The Collage of Two Banquets...

    you're my idol, jOhO... your pictures never fail to :o me everytime.. The tone is great, the mood is there, and I bet that the bride will be darn happy to see this!
  15. S

    Who's your idol in photography??

    Gee, Thanks! reminds me of those multi level marketing salesman shouts before every start of the day.. :bsmilie: