Recent content by Shafique

  1. S

    What I saw in Chinatown

    Great shots, I have to say I really appreciate the photographs. The 1st and 4th pic are really extraordinary.
  2. S

    Budget Photoshoots on March 13/20

    Who's the model, you mind posting a pic....
  3. S

    Perspective Illusion.....

    Beautiful picture.
  4. S

    Colourful window.

    I took this picture at the Rivervalley road. I liked the colourful window and the warm background look. LinkToPicture Kindly comment on how the results may be improved. Thank you.
  5. S

    Upto what shutter speed can I take shakefree handheld pics.

    Thank you guys, thanks hondacub, Kluase, Roti, TweakMax and Roy for your replies. Cheers,
  6. S

    Upto what shutter speed can I take shakefree handheld pics.

    Roy, Thank you for your generous feedback. Cheers,
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    Upto what shutter speed can I take shakefree handheld pics.

    People, I would like to know...upto what speed can i take handheld pics. Sometimes I hear comments like.."shutter speed to slow..did you use a tripod". May I please know approximately what is the threshold for shakefree handheld pics and after what limit should I consider using a...
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    My small table fan. Note: Specs available on the above link. Cheers,
  9. S

    How to use the circular polarizing filter.

    Sulhan, Assalmalaikum, Thanks a million for the concept, it really answers all my questions, and thanks for pulling out the time to draw a wonderful are quite an artist and a teacher. Kind Regards, Shafique Razzaque.
  10. S

    How to use the circular polarizing filter.

    Thanks, as you have mentioned "The contrast will increase together with the colour saturation."..thats the answer I was looking for. Cheers,
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    How to use the circular polarizing filter.

    Gunjack, Thanks for your kind reply, I understand that the rotation does filter out certain light element, but I cannot figure out how and which direction of the rotation is for better saturation/contrast. There may be something I am missing. Thanks once again anyway for your response. Cheers,
  12. S

    How to use the circular polarizing filter.

    Mervlam, Excuse me, my question was on the usage of the circular movement of the polarizer and can be answered without talking about the light semantics going on inside, specially those covered in the First Years Physics...its a question on the application of the filter...on how to use it to...
  13. S

    How to use the circular polarizing filter.

    I dont understand how the circular movement of the filter ring effects the picture. I see that the contrast changes, but my question is: 1. Does the colour saturation change with the contrast as well..?? 2. How is the contrast related to the saturation wrt the circular movement.? 3 Can...
  14. S

    How to eliminate shake factor in Macros

    Thanks 'Midnight', I will try it out. Megaweb's set up seems very good as well.
  15. S

    How to eliminate shake factor in Macros

    Thanks for the reply..can telephoto lens help..if yes..any recommendations. Thanks.