Recent content by sha0ye

  1. S

    Looking for a new P&S DigiCam

    I'm just here to ask about your individual suggestions in regards to which brand you actually recommend when it comes to P&S DigiCams. There's a few areas which I'm particularly looking into; at least 8mp, low noise levels, manual A & P, at least 5x zoom, image stabilization and good image...
  2. S

    Somemore At Marina City Park

    When was these shots taken? from nparks website, the park is said to have closed on 1 June for the works of gardens by the bay project... :(
  3. S

    What is my rights?

    Alright la, don't sound like quarrelling lei... thanks for all the advice, I would take them all sincerely and think it over carefully... :) thanks thanks.
  4. S

    What is my rights?

    Alright, recently I found a photo I took, in which it is has picture of buildings, being used in the City Gallery at URA for its interactive presentation. I wasn't inform of it at all. I am not quite happy to see it being used without me being at least informed. So what is my rights regarding...
  5. S

    Vivo Style

    Took this from the ground up. C&C! :)
  6. S

    Developing digital photos

    why are the edges of my images cut off when i develop them into photos? does it have somthing to do with 3:2 ratio? isnt possible to prevent it from happening?
  7. S

    Singapore CBD skyline

    get an image hosting account... flickr, photobucket, etc... upload to your account get the image url and start posting!
  8. S

    Lion City Skyline (suntec rooftop)

    during weekdays more offices are lit but UOB is lit somewhat like whenever they like... so this is a rare shot!
  9. S

    noob tour around esplanade

    for those pictures with the sky ones, you should snap at some other time when the sky is blue and hopfully with clouds... other then that, the angles snapped are quite interesting...
  10. S

    Telok Blangah Hill Park

    from my memories, those 'railings' on the stairs and pavement used to be white... may be it needs some repainting?
  11. S

    Telok Blangah Hill Park

    nice pics, the sky so blue... and the place looks old... wonder if any couples still choose that area for wedding photo shoot...
  12. S

    fat food. little food.

    its an SS project? didnt have such stuff back then for my SS... looks interesting!
  13. S

    Bugis Architecture

    i LOVE the sky today... its blue with white white clouds... liked those with blue skies, white clouds~!
  14. S

    Taiwan 05: Mail Boxes and Doors

    nice pics... i believe its very hard or almost impossible to find such stuff in Singapore...
  15. S

    Supreme Court

    looks abit complicated... but its a nice shot...