Recent content by SFTH

  1. S

    Hi would be very grateful if you could point me to some local help putting a hackintosh together...

    Hi would be very grateful if you could point me to some local help putting a hackintosh together as my IT know how is just about kosong but from what I have read so far seems to work very well - too irresistable. but most reports are from overseas forums. Evan
  2. S

    SB-600 Diffuser panel

    Thanks for your input After hearing what you've said I think flash is ok afterall I was only guessing that iTTL was not working cos with diffuser exposures don't quite turn out right but could be cos not enough power Glad that there are sp many gurus here who share so readily
  3. S

    SB-600 Diffuser panel

    Actually I thought i should bring this up in case anyone else has the same experience I have found that in my sb 600 when i bring up the diffuser panel the iTTL stops working and the zoom on the flash stays at 14mm all the time When I use without the diffuser its fine Perhaps its time get it...
  4. S

    Cheapest place in Singapore for Canon ink?

    yes i was told of that place some time ago but directions given to me weren't as good so could not find it & it was a sunday too looks like price still the same thanks
  5. S

    Cheapest place in Singapore for Canon ink?

    was going to say just bought from make fine at $13.80 but guess not the lowest anymore
  6. S

    Cheapest place in Singapore for Canon ink?

    Thanks. Was about to go get a set myself so information is really useful to me. Was told that there was a shop @ SLS top level near escalator that was going for $12+ but that was more than a year back. Will update if I manage to find out more
  7. S

    Photoshop crop size different from print size

    anyone with this experience ? set the crop to certain measurement but photo turned out bigger when printed... trust that there's a solution but i'm too bodoh to figure out
  8. S

    Need Helps/Guidance On External Flash

    found this useful ... hope it is for you too :D