Recent content by SeanIR

  1. S

    Street Portraiture...

    Wow good attempt ! I have a humble suggestion, would you try softening the images alittle instead of sharpening them. When photographing people with darker skin tones, care must be taken on the mid tones area. If you have a software (like photo shop or paint shop pro, etc), Try to use the...
  2. S

    ~ Jaslyn ~

    Good effort! Did you up the contrast in post? I found the pics a little over exposed, be careful on how you use this as pics with burn out spots are not good. Soften the image and pay attention to her complexion to make it glow more naturally as she has good skin.Look carefully at pic 5, she...
  3. S

    How to convince Average Joe that Sony's DSLRs are actually quite good?

    Well, I was abit peeved by the term. I must say I recently had a bad experience at a camera shop in Funan. Although I may look like I dun understand the local Dialect but I do, the person in the shop made a reference about me as a "Joe". Thats why I was abit peeved. Anyway, synapseman, I...
  4. S

    How to convince Average Joe that Sony's DSLRs are actually quite good?

    So how? What would be the major factor(s) that could win over average Joe to the Sony camp? Hmm, I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean people who are mentally challenged with alot of money to spend? Or Equipment masturbators who want the latest gadgets to show off or what? People...
  5. S

    I want to learn Basic Photography with DSLR Camera - Any Instructors here?

    Hello Eric, Thanks for calling me back to speak to me. I just wanted to say you dont really need to buy BIG bulky expensive camera equiptment to take good pics. As I said, all it takes is good attitude and some know how and alot of practice and experimentation and hardwork for your pics to be...
  6. S

    E da A studio attempt.

    I liked the last image here. The lighting over head created a mood which show some emotion. However I would have liked if the model dangled a big white clothes hanger instead of the shoe. Other wise great shots. Next time use some cookies(screens with cut outs of shapes and things) on the lights...
  7. S

    +aBODY+18+*contains nudity*

    Wonderful work! I am guessing that you pushed up the contrast and brightness in post, I would be even more amazed if you did it on camera. I am a big fan of your work and would like to work or take photos with you. It would be fun! As to people saying that your work is Boring, they are just...
  8. S

    lydia~~~sat shoot

    good shots. You did good use of a reflector(s) or a softbox light (I m guessing here). I liked the play of DOF and the white balancing was good. However, the model should have used a softer fabric blouse. The blouse in these fotos looked too stiff, and made the models body look abit weird...
  9. S

    Simple Home Studio -> What to get and costs?

    Well, here are some suggestions before you want to do a home studio, 1. How much space do u have at home for this? How much storage space do you have? 2. Are your electrical sockets able to handle lights and other stuff? is your power board box at home installed with good circuit...
  10. S

    Where to buy passport photo cutter

    Hmm.. I dunno whether this would help. I remember buying one at Bras Basah complex a few years ago for my company. It was a special order item from one of the shops and it was a little expensive about $60, sorry i forgot which shop. Anyway try out this link...
  11. S

    Camera shop in AMK HUB

    Well, I feel I must put my 2 cents worth here. I am living in AMK and I have been dealing with MS colour for a long time, i think as far back as 1995. yes, sometimes the prices they quote are much higher than other shops but rest assured that the after sales service and help is really...
  12. S


    Hey, excesstunes, As you can see so many CSers support and encourage you, including myself. Most CSers here are really helpful and care for the hobby or craft of photography. Yes, I have encountered such people who are real show offs and I usually put them in the category of "Equiptment...
  13. S

    where are good places to take photo

    I don't want to sound like a scholar or a poet but actually you can find opportunities to take story photos anywhere. Here are some suggestions to have if you want to take these kind of shots: 1. What is the theme? 2. What is the subject and/or who are the subject(s)? 3. what kind of...
  14. S

    what the diff between aperture and shutter speed?

    well, the simplest i can offer is that: - Aperture controls the amount of light into the camera - the bigger the F stop (e.g. f1.4) allows more light and smaller (e.g. f11) allows less light but effects the depth of field from background to foreground. - shutter speed also does the same but...
  15. S

    Is the Sigma 70-300 good?

    Using telephoto lenses one has to give up something over the other. Prime lenses (which are fixed 35mm or 50mm, etc) usually give the sharpest and clearest shots. Telephoto lenses usually sacrifice some sharpness and clarity and sometimes there are some aberrations (u are lucky is it is not...