Recent content by sampan

  1. S

    Sad News: Woman, 37, falls from cliff while taking photographs

    my condolences... may she rip
  2. S

    "Don't buy Sony, very bad. I rather dont sell you. Get canon"

    J3.16? they support Nikon and canon for DSLR. for P&S, they also promote panasonic try buying from somewhere else bah, if you want sony, at least you wont get negative remarks.
  3. S

    Lightroom exporting issue. Please Help

    when exporting, under 'Export Location', there is a tab called 'Existing File', where you can choose 'ask what to do', 'overwrite', 'create a new file', 'skip' check it to see that what your setting is, if 'skip' then this is the reason. try make a new file name bah.
  4. S

    Canon PhotoMarathon 2010

    one battery may not be sufficient, but u can bring along charger to charge while waiting for new theme (if u finish shotting and submit fast fast); or bring a spare bty 4GB shd be enough since photo size is 5MB max, and if u dont shoot raw+jpeg. still, it is better to have a spare card, i...
  5. S

    Help for a class!!!

    contributed anyway, since this is for study, not for commercial, sh be okay bah?
  6. S

    Specialist or Generalist

    i agree with you. and if i know the pg personally, and have seen a lot of his work, i as a customer would be able to make a better decision. But most of the time, the customers make selection and decision through references, or by looking at profolios; and/or by talking to the photographers...
  7. S

    Specialist or Generalist

    If I as a customer, see two profolios, both good enough for me and both styles i like, but one charges a bit more becos he specialized in that paricular field, I can accept it and may choose the specialist if my budget allows. For example, when we looked for photographer to shoot installation...
  8. S

    Specialist or Generalist

    (photography is only a hobby for me, see this interesting discussion and wish to contribute my 2cents here as an on-off customer for pro photographers) when we select a pro pg for an event or product shoot, and if all things being almost equal, i would prefer a specialist over a generalist...
  9. S

    Please step aside, i want Rainer solo pic

    @goon i agree there is nothing 'wrong' about it, just wondering if there is a better way to handle this. cos i think if i am the one been asked to step aside, i would emo. But if i am celebtrity then maybe its nothing for me, cos i would get used to it. @romeo yeah, i think its a good idea...
  10. S

    How to convince your wife/gf of your intention....

    show her this thread it may work
  11. S

    Please step aside, i want Rainer solo pic

    was watching the prize giving ceremony on tv yesterday evening. after collecting their prizes, the 4 swimmers walked as a group past a group of photographers (looks like official photographers or press), the swimmers paused and posted for photographs. After a few group shots, one of the pg...
  12. S

    Additional charge by banks over Visa's official exchange rate

    Bank FX charge Currency of purchase Currency of statement Citibank 2.01% GBP SGD Citibank 1.926% UAE Dirham SGD Citibank 2.249% India INR SGD just check my recent bill, yeah, the visa webby quote better rate...
  13. S

    Additional charge by banks over Visa's official exchange rate

    my experience is that my Citibank visa bills usually have better exchange rate than the (cash) counter rate. so much so that I use credit card as much as possible rather than changing into local currencies. anyway, i will check my bill
  14. S

    YOG food issue again .....

    agree it is only human to err, but to have 26 person getting food poisioning is very bad. i hope it is not the same food catering company SFI, if it is, then this is really bad for them.
  15. S

    YOG food issue again .....

    OT, also saw a thread on EDMW that says one of the 'collectibles' got 'human mistake'.. picture from vpost website it says Youth Olympic Villoge