Recent content by randytay

  1. R

    How much to charge for commercial release?

    According to some "experts of the field" I was alleged to "brush off", it is not necessary. While I can't prove the necessity of the usage of a model release in Singapore (I live in the US), neither is there concrete proof that a model release is not applicable. I'd rather be safe than sorry...
  2. R

    Rights to usage of photos

    Yes this is correct but if you are referring to my answer, then your answer is a classic Cantonese saying "If I present a drawing of a person to you, I have to draw the intestines and organs to you so you know its a human subject". Of course the part about crediting the author is not a simple...
  3. R

    Rights to usage of photos

    Dude, thats hitting below the belt and what you said borders on slandering. My info comes from my practice, as is governed by the guidelines as set forth by the PPA, the governing body for photographers in the US. To know more about the organization just google them and you will see that they...
  4. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    Ah yes, as I have conceded to Vince. This is mainly due to my ignorance and also my assumption that since Singapore wanted to promote the Arts, the laws governing the art and its creator would have evolved and be compatible with copyright laws and laws pertaining to photographers in other more...
  5. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    Nope, that was your misunderstanding of my point, if by any going this is a response to the post above yours. When you take a baby photo, portrait etc, the model release is already signed when client signed the contract with you to have their picture taken. It is in the contract that...
  6. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    My apologies, I was skimping through the act when I replied and I stand corrected. However, on closer examination and after a point out by a friend, while you have read it correctly, what you provided was incomplete. The following are not original but pointed out by a friend: ''[Aust...
  7. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    Duh, you sure you reading it correctly? Let me rephrase that: (a) Randy makes, for valuable consideration, an agreement with Vince for the taking of a photograph, the painting or drawing of a portrait or the making of an engraving by the other person (from the perspective of Vince, i.e...
  8. R

    What Happen if U're Sick and Cannot Shoot on the AD?

    From a business point of view, I do not think anyone (and it is not restricted to photogs) will do it so my statement still hold. Anyway, you have a habit of singling me out to argue with ;)
  9. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    It simply meant: I am very sure you have better things to do with your life than trying to argue with me in a forum. So get over it and get a life and move on. This will be my last post on this issue with you.
  10. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    Vince, read from my previous post and you'll know how I know. Seriously, dont you ever get tired of this? From my own observation and from countless PMs, I see that when it comes to the topic of "Law", you want to be top dog in the foru and just want to have the final say, if that is what it...
  11. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    Just a question for you Vince. How do you think the first "law" came about? If there was a new industry whereby the local law do not have any providence but the country sees a need to regulate it, from where do you think lawmakers will draft their "law"?
  12. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    Not surprised since we are using a limited medium of communications here. Thanks for the "clarifications" but again like Vince, I feel you are debating with me based on semantics. I may have worded wrongly but please stick to the context of my statement rather than picking at the words I...
  13. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    Thanks but I see any attempt at semantics here. Put it shortly, I do not know what the law id but I know the law that governs the industry I worked in. I do not enforce the law, I abide and practice those laws that are for the industry. Those who work in the AG's chambers or perhaps the IPOS or...
  14. R

    Discussion on Model Releases (or lack thereof)

    A lot of words here but basically in circles. You still have not provide what I request. I invite you to do something of course being I have been there, done that. You simply threw the gauntlet back without aiming, thats why it cannot be accepted since it is beyond your own experience when you...
  15. R

    How much are you charging for New Years Eve Events?

    I think that its good practice. Imagine Armani lowering their prices because you find their suits too expensive... :bsmilie: