Recent content by puakk

  1. P


    sure i liked it! thanks alot for saving my picture. when you meant 5 layers, do you mean on different section of just 5 effects(filter)?
  2. P


    actually, no. They are 2 seperate photos.... the 2 OHPs are spoilt, but hard to really show it in the photo, so that was pretty a failure.
  3. P


    hmm, but i am not really experienced in post processing. What kind of changes do you think i should make?
  4. P


    hmm, is it so bad that it's not worth commenting?:cry:
  5. P


    I had nothing to do in class and i have a camera in my hand. What to do? Anyhow take photographs lor...
  6. P

    comments please

    i actually got some pics of bridges but they are blurred out because of my hands... i try to see if i can make it less obvious by making the image small... gotta go out now...
  7. P

    comments please

    please comment on my picture... no matter its good or bad, please also tell me how can i improve....
  8. P

    Filter??? Lens???

    What is the difference btw lens and filter???
  9. P

    Infrared Photography

    how much would a extension tube cost and how much lens can it hold?
  10. P

    JPEG or RAW?

    how do i take pics in raw?? i am using canon A80
  11. P

    Infrared Photography

    i am quite new in photography and i want to buy a infrared lens. my budget is 0-60 SGD. i am using canon A80. Can you guys suggest what lens should i use?
  12. P

    Cheap and reliable camera

    i thought the same way in the past, but after more thinking, it isn't the same... the camera compress the photo after it is taken. Although not much difference, there is still a difference btw digital zoom and magnifying glass on the PC