Recent content by oranje17

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    WTSell: DSLR - Canon 400D

    Advertisement Category: Want To Sell (WTS) Equipment Type: DSLR Equipment Brand: Canon Equipment Model: 400D Price (S$): S$800 Description: Hi, To fund my ever increasing Art material costs I'm departing with this baby :( Canon 400D body + 18-55mm + 55-200mm +2G CF card in very good...
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    On The Wall Photography Bazzar

    Hey there peeps, anyone joining the "on the wall photo bazzar" at old school in feb? organized by 2902gallery at old school.
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    Rangefinder servicing

    I've been reading up a lot on servicing RF cams, and i thought maybe i should mention that my dad has been doing some repair job of his own for a while now. it's like a hobby to him to repair old cams. he's repaired maybe abt 20 cams now. all from his collection. he's only collecting old yashica...
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    How much is enough?

    okayyyy! =] happy to hear such a positive comment. will do my best. ^^
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    How much is enough?

    yes, i'll keep that in mind. thx for the advice ^^
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    How much is enough?

    Thank u! for the kind of advice that i was looking for. yeah... we'll try to enjoy the shoot. =] i love photography. but i'm always reluctant on venturing into som unknown waters, in this case, is "model" shoot. so thx for the encouragement cos it took away my bag of worries somewhat. *hugz*
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    newbie on portrait

    i thought it looks interesting. it certainly got my attention, unlike some portrait shots which are well made but yawn inducing. i'm fascinated by the composition here. the plant part looks a lil messy i must say, but in an interesting kinda way. the flash made it dramatic. i liked it. somehow...
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    How much is enough?

    much thx to all who replied this thread. after looking at the responses, i realised that i didn't write clearly enough to explain the friend's situation. she's an aspiring model who just wants to build her portfolio. the bikini pics are for her potential employer. so there's no commercial...
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    How much is enough?

    Hi I have never really shot photos of models before. And I'm not even keen on doing people portraiture, tho i enjoy taking pics of my friends when they're usually in a pensive mood. So to my surprise, a friend of my friend has requested that I be her photog for a shoot on swimwear for some...
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    Does this work for you

    it looks old & a lil gohtic. i like it. it'd be even better if it looks a lil washed out. maybe even darker sky might give off this really moody, stormy feeling. it's still good as it is now. =]
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    Pulau Ubin Unveil 25 Aug

    i'm not too keen on having dinner at the island. T_T but if we're coming back to the main land before dusk, then do count me in too. =] thx.
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    Pulau Ubin Unveil 25 Aug

    Hi I'm interested in the program but i'd like to know when we'll be back to the mainland? is it the 8 pm as stated? thx.
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    Lomo Tee shirt Design Ideas

    AWESOME. this one definitely got my vote.
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    Objects of Woodneuk

    the old engine shot is beautiful, but this one gotta be my fav. love the colours here.