Recent content by Nikonian Foo

  1. N

    New K-Mount Film Camera from Kenko

    I'd take one....Nikon mount, of course!
  2. N

    Female 50 Gorgeous People 2007 (16 Oct)

    Looks like Sylar from Heroes...
  3. N

    3rd party sucks

    Heard of Lyson Inks from UK? They are 3rd party ink manufacturer also but consider top class in ink...
  4. N

    CoastalOpt® Fisheye Lenses

    Check out the website...they have a UV lense.
  5. N

    Over@CommunicAsia 2007

    I was particularly interested in this LG model (cellphone hor...not the girl). Until this girl sat beside me and introduce about this phone. When I saw her, I forgot all about the phone. I don't even remember my surname. *BACK TO REALITY* OK. Anyone knows the model number of this handphone...
  6. N

    Olympus 8mm fisheye commercial

    No lah...It's Singaporean/Malaysian Hokkien... "Siam" is malay word leh...
  7. N

    Olympus 8mm fisheye commercial

    Where was this shot? Singapore or Malaysia?
  8. N

    Yellow High Visibility Vest for Night Cycling

    Not related, but I remembered watching a documentary of Mexicans trying to sneak thru the US-Mexico border in daytime. One of them was wearing a bright yellow shirt. I'm sure nobody taught them camouflage but the border police spot them easily because of him! Increased visibility yeah!
  9. N

    F.I.R. at Junction8

    Clean armpits! I like!
  10. N


    How do you bring a fake M16 to anywhere without attracting attention from the man in blue (or green)? I suppose it's detachable...
  11. N

    Printing 'white' = saving ink?

    There is white ink.....but not for consumer printers...
  12. N

    Got customer like diz..... can vomit blood...

    I apologize. I didn't mean to.....
  13. N

    Got customer like diz..... can vomit blood...

    That reminds me of my uncle who call prostitute and dun pay......
  14. N

    Star Wars Ready to pose

    Someone impersonated Jabba before? OK, that is so not cool...I will impersonate Salacious Crumb instead...
  15. N

    Star Wars Ready to pose

    Cool! Someone dressing up as an Imperial Officer? That's rare! I'm still preparing my Jabba the Hutt costume.