Recent content by neuron

  1. N

    Fire in Melbourne...

    swanston st? not quite.
  2. N


    Way to go mia. shows that there's always a road out of life sciences ;)
  3. N

    Photoshoot on 29th Nov (MON)

    UpZ for mia ;)
  4. N

    Sophia, Cindy and Nesh

    Happy mooncake Festival Mia. Sorry for OT in this thread.
  5. N


    familar chap. we work in the same building. :sweat:
  6. N

    how much of Nikon D70?

    Tokina as well :)
  7. N

    PC show 2004

    Not true. I'm new here. My bro's looking for someone in particular from there ;)
  8. N

    PC show 2004

    Anyone took pictures at the show above? Care to post some? ;)