Recent content by Murray Smith

  1. M

    Close encounter of an Orcward kind

    Orca, sometimes known as Killer whales, and featured in the film " Free Willy ", are seen occasionally around our local beaches. These were passing thru an area where the local surfers got a bit of a surprise !!! Canon 300D and Tamron 200 - 500 Murray Smith
  2. M

    Common and Uncommon

    Thanks Tony, yes I'm enjoying the challenge and gradually working my way thru the available local species. Can't see us being up your way again for a while Regards Murray
  3. M

    sunbird ...

    Try posting again, can only see the clubsnap gallery logo.
  4. M

    Common and Uncommon

    Out walking this afternoon and found these two, The Reef Heron ( Egreta sacra ) is widespread throughout Asia but only small numbers are found in New Zealand. The Bay of Plenty where I live is regarded as the southern edge of its range. THe more common bird is the Variable...
  5. M

    Mirror Image

    Hi there, Perhaps we could do a little Photoshop tutorial here, within Levels, if the output value is the same on two images will they both have the same appearance on screen ?? I'm asking this because I don't know, and I know that my images tend to vary. Keep shooting...
  6. M

    Mirror Image

    Can't decide which is my best side so I'll show you both Murray Smith
  7. M

    Winter food supplies.

    Hi there, Yes, there is a convenient window on the corner of the lounge and with the curtains pulled there is only the lens hood protruding out the window. I use an old camo shirt, with the lens down the sleave. Regargs Murray Smith
  8. M

    Winter food supplies.

    These are Silvereye ( Zosterops lateralis ) that become quite tame during the winter when food supplies are reduced. They can be enticed close to a hidden camera with with a bit of fresh Kiwifruit. Checking out the dinner table. Ckecking out the fruit. Checking out the...
  9. M

    A day in mandai Orchid Gardens....

    This is certainly not "just another Sunbird photo", none of them are easy and ones like this are even harder work. Too bad something ate half the hibiscus flower petals. Murray Smith
  10. M

    Sunshine + Holiday = photo at last.

    Playing with the gulls on the beach with the Tamron 200 - 500. 1 Lost my tail in the laundry 2 Heading Home Comments appreciated Murray Smith
  11. M

    Woody potrait

    Curare, That looks like a Green Woodlecker which I have not seen on WON before. Was it photographed in Singapore ?? Murray Smith
  12. M

    Oops, I think it's lost

    A Red Bill Gull roosting among White Fronted Terns on Mt Maunganui Beach,NZ. RBG often rest on one leg. Murray Smith
  13. M

    Interesting comments. I think that if you are just cutting and pasting the URL direct and inserting it as a link back to their Website, it should not be a problem. Pasting the map itself would be an issue though. You would need to go back to the Website to be able to enlarge the map area...
  14. M

    It looks as though would be a great way of passing on birding hot spots. The URL for each map page can easily be included in a PM or Thread making it much easier to get to the locations without wasting precious time.
  15. M

    Playground Secrets

    Hi there I am coming to Singapore next month and would like to get close to some of the birds I see displayed here especially the waders, snipe etc. I was wondering if any of you with local inside knowledge would be kind enough to PM or Email me with some "How to get there " instructions...