Recent content by marrrkyyy

  1. M

    a500/a550 User's Photo Gallery

    nice photo dude! nice spider! whats those white greysish lines?
  2. M

    Sony Alpha promotions at Comex

    awesome deals lah! But too bad mine is Alpha 500. But i still like! Spread the alpha users is SG! Alpha 7xx sure gona be a hit. Some people dont know why just despise Sony users especially the TK foto shop at funan, i want go in ask about have blah blah lens for SONY. He sarcastically commented...
  3. M

    Lens Price??

    Hey, anyone out there has a Sigma 10-20mm EX DC F4-5.6 Sony Mount lens? I intend to get one of these as my first lens but i not sure whats the market price? Help please =(
  4. M

    Help need on a lens purchase

    THANKS MAN! :D So if im now on like the kit lens 18-55. Would it be alright to upgrade to that 10-20 one?
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    Help need on a lens purchase

    Thanks guys. Ive tried firework and lightning shots, alot of night thats all. I wanna know whats the differnece between a Sigma 10-20 and 12-24 wide angle lens. is 600 plus a good offer for the 12-24 sony mount?
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    Help need on a lens purchase

    Thanks guys. i tried before. but i want to try a wider angle lens. so yeah. sorry v v noob
  7. M

    Help need on a lens purchase

    Hi, noob here. Very noob. I have been using a Sony alpha 500 for about 6 months now. I've been sourcing out lenses for landscape photography. I found the Sigma 12-24mm wide angle lens with a sony alpha mount. Is this a good lens? Does anyone know roughly how much it costs? Does 12-24mm...