Recent content by magickk

  1. M

    Guess , where is this taken?

    pierce reservoir?
  2. M

    Wild ducks showering

    the ducks are really cute! i happen to like the first one where the water splashes all around. it has a >< on it's face. :D
  3. M

    Reflection - Chinese Garden

    i find if you do too many of the same type of shots, it gets pretty boring cos none of them have their own individuality. that aside, the second one is my favourite. it captures the colours of the sunset and the atmosphere feels so serene... :D
  4. M

    Beautiful Yomiko

    her tighs are well, different colour!
  5. M

    a clown's camera

    hahahhaaha, add me to msn, and we'll see ;)
  6. M

    a clown's camera

    my school is chock full of girls. it's a full girls school dammit! the raging hormones don't help.
  7. M

    why do u like photography?

    you don't need a reason to love. :D
  8. M

    My Friends in Portrait IV

    i like the one on yuko. perhaps it's the pose, perhaps it's the authentic-ness of it,perhaps it's her expression, perhaps i'm more partial to female models. i just think it stands out.
  9. M


    meowww!!! i love meow meow meow meow meow! the first picture you capture the expression of the cat very well. and i like the darkened bg of the second shot. looks almost like a studio shot of a meow! :D
  10. M

    a clown's camera

    i'm a girl. single in fact. not very happy to be single. what do you think i'm thinking?
  11. M

    a clown's camera

    that guy looks cute :D
  12. M

    Our Father who art in heaven ...

    by the looks of it, it looks like a bit of brightness contrast tweaked, maybe layers. then duplicate a layer and put it on one of the layer blending options, possibly overlay.
  13. M

    Fake or Photo?

    8/10 for the first round. was tricked by the nails and the chess pieces. 3/4 for bonus round. tricked by the capsules.
  14. M

    Exams are BaD.

    yup yup. that's what i mean.
  15. M

    Exams are BaD.

    oh yeah. absolutely! studying for a paper is so not fun. studying for leisure is much much much better!