Recent content by loleelu

  1. L


    In my first and only trip to HK, I took Shamrock Hotel. Just steps away from Jordan MTR, a few minutes walk to Tsim.
  2. L

    Photography Outing

    National Museum, but if you've got kids... Try someplace where the kids can have fun too, maybe Marina South City Park... Can fly kites, and there lots of photo opps, coz u got the river bank nearby... Plus you only need to pay for transportation and parking! Yay!! Just a thought.:D
  3. L

    Which external Flash for 717?

    so how do the 2 metz compare to the f1000? are they much better, feature wise?
  4. L

    Which external Flash for 717?

    but i fail to understand how the set up will work... can explain? i know f1000 works with the cable connection w the 707, but how will the metz work? adaptor connects with a cable too? after that, essentially the same? or is it a slave?
  5. L

    Which external Flash for 717?

    too bad for me, i've got a 707... i guess i'm stuck with the f1000... :(
  6. L

    Which external Flash for 717?

    well, i've gathered that if you got a choice, don't get the f1000. check out the accessories list in the other thread.
  7. L

    Sony 7x7 Accessories List

    Hi, I've realised that a Sunpak 383 probably won't work with a F707, so what are my choices, guys? And any recommended dealers?
  8. L

    F707 + Sunpak 383?

    So what do i do with the sunpak... :(
  9. L

    F707 + Sunpak 383?

    Any idea how to make this setup work? Or do I really have to stick with the HVL-F1000? Which would be better to use anyway?
  10. L

    Help me!

    Thank you for your comments. I guess the most important thing that I need to know is how do I get my pictures on this forum then? Everything else is, as they say, part of the process of learning. And I suppose I would have to remove the picture then? Cheers!
  11. L

    Help me!

    Hi guys, this is my first photo posted here. I took this shot with my DSC-F707, without any accessories (since I do not own any), whilst on the move in a tuk-tuk in Thailand. I did not do any post processing with my Adobe Photoshop 6 either, except for resizing it. All comments are...
  12. L

    Tell me about 707

    ok.. I managed to get a filter from my friend.. so what about lenses? what kind of lenses are available? or is there only the conversion lens mentioned in the manual? what does that do anyway?
  13. L

    Tell me about 707

    So which flash should I get? And what about lenses / filters? 58mm? Forgive me, I am a n00b. :bsmilie:
  14. L

    Tell me about 707

    Ok thanks a lot for the info. By the way, have you used the Sony flash before? How about a lens hood? Would one be necessary? Any tripods to recommend, as I enjoy taking night shots.
  15. L

    Tell me about 707

    Thanks for the info. So does this mean that if I need a flash, I would HAVE to get the one from Sony? What about filters? BTW, what kind of lenses can I use for my camera? With regards to the Memory Sticks, are the non-Sony brand MSs reliable? The delay I was referring to...