Recent content by lixiang9779

  1. L

    Where to get Extention Tubes that AutoFocus

    Wow thats not cheap!! Then is it worth it? I understand there is de raynox Or should just get a cheap macro lens like de tarmon 90mm?
  2. L

    Where to get Extention Tubes that AutoFocus

    I realised that theres not many posts on extention tubes. Im interested in starting in MACRO shots, but i want to try out with extention tubes first. I understand that theres extention tubes with AF systems for nikons, like Kenko AF, but anyone know where can i get it , and what is de price...
  3. L

    Runaway China scholars

    Is this story recent?
  4. L

    how n where cn i improve my skill

    Hha i really think that going out to shoot is more useful! When i get to have practicle i get more expweience at different situations. I will also review my older pics!
  5. L

    [16-02-12] SGAirShow 2012

    They look nice!!:cool: May i know what lens was used for #1 and #2?
  6. L

    Fireworks tomorrow

    Doubt will affect me. Do not have the $ to buy new gear! Btw how to remove smoke in pp?! Share with me pleaseee
  7. L

    Fireworks tomorrow

    Haha i have de same problem. My fireworks got cut off at de top
  8. L

    Fireworks tomorrow

    Woah all of your pics are nice!
  9. L

    Fireworks tomorrow

    Just curious, those who are going there, are the majority cannon users?
  10. L

    Fireworks tomorrow

    As in i dont even have the equipment. i dont have cable release, beside the infrared one. I dont have a stable tripod besides the freebie. haha Btw, if i go, im not able to meet u all at 5pm. :(
  11. L

    Fireworks tomorrow

    Actually im interested. But im very noob :o
  12. L

    LCD IPS or LED Screen or LCD TV Monitor better for processing??

    Yeah u2311h is dam cheap for 279.. Just that i heard de quality control was quite bad
  13. L

    LCD IPS or LED Screen or LCD TV Monitor better for processing??

    Yeah I think ips panels are good. Btw I think dell's ips quite cheap.
  14. L

    Newbie Q :remove len while camera power still on?

    Oops. I leave it on all the time... :(
  15. L

    BMW Vision Efficient Dynamics

    Thanks for the info! Btw i went the suntec one. And got a pair of movie tickets :)