Recent content by littletiger

  1. L


    Hey all, the egrip group buy has shifted here... Cheers!
  2. L


    Nah of course not. Egrips is grippy, not sticky :D
  3. L


    Well said! This is another feature that makes egrips rock. Good grip, anti-slip, protects your gadget from scratches and it most certainly doesn't spoil our precious babies with eeky residues. Does egrip need a brand ambassador? I volunteer! :bsmilie:
  4. L


    You'll love it! Do give us your take after using them and let us know if you see any interesting ones. :cool:
  5. L


    Actually if you have extra you can stick egrips anywhere and everywhere! Your remote control, lighter, laptop... etc. Try that and you'll be so hooked one day that you'll never wanna share your egrips again LOL
  6. L


    Hey guys, check out what these they are doing with adspec egrips now! Basically you can personalise your own egrip with your company name/logo/promotional details on it. Comes with a backing card too for additional information. Talk about innovative marketing...
  7. L


    Yeah the material's def amazing and one of a kind. The anti-slip function is great, to top that off, yes, it does make a difference when you're looking for a good grip! Not only that, I never have to worry about leaving unsightly scratches on my Treo again wooohooooo!! I'm gonna get me some...
  8. L


    Got mine from autobacs. Awesome! Def need to check out the sheets. The material rules!
  9. L


    Have to agree with you. I have one for my Treo and it has given me the best protection for my handphone by far. Material's awesome and doesn't leave any markings after taking off. Jediforce: There are egrips for cameras and remotes too? Where can I get them?